Story: Gym Pet Peeves

Article Summary

Kathie lists her two biggest pet peeves that happen in the gym. After being in the gym for over two decades Kathie, well, let’s just say she knows a thing or two about the gym.

Here is a humorous version of Kathie’s story on pet peeves. This is a daily story article.

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While in the gym this morning I was quickly reminded of 2 of my pet peeves that involve the gym. A gym is a place I have called home for 25+ years now. I love the gym, the sights, the sounds, and the environment. But as with anything in life, there are a few things that really drive me crazy. (Call it a pendulum prod from Reality Transurfing).

Now I must explain first why I am “bothered” by these things. I have been a Certified Fitness Trainer for 20+ years now. I consider myself an advocate for those who are not in the gym but want to be and truly need to be.

Planet Fitness entered the market around 2015 and I love that gym. I love the inclusiveness of that gym and the judgment-free zone they include. I love the lunk alarm. In fact, my lunk alarm went off in my head this morning involving pet peeve #1.

#1. Pet Peeve - Gym Rats who only think of themselves.

This guy was working shoulders in the free weight area in LA Fitness this morning. One of the reasons I do not frequent this area s due to the massive amounts of guys just like him in this specific area of the gym. Many others avoid this area for the same reason.

This guy was doing an overhead press with 40-pound and maybe 50-pound dumbbells. I am sure he was quite impressed with his strength by his behavior. Me, not so much.

He would put on his weight belt, strap it tight, then sit on the bench and grunt and groan during his lift. Loudly I might add! Then he’d throw those heavy dumbbells on the floor like he wasn’t strong enough to pick them up in the first place.

Then he’d take off that tight belt and throw it on the floor. Why? I do not know. He was just going to put it back on again in 60 seconds for his next lift which was just as dramatic if not more from his first set.

I did so many eye rolls I thought my eyes would roll off my body. 🙄🙄🙄

Here’s why. He was so dramatic in all his efforts. He was vainly checking himself in the mirror and it was so blatantly obvious. THEN (and this then would so let the wind out of his sails if he read this or read my mind) - he was grunting loudly.

Thank you very much. Now, we all know what he sounds like when having sex.


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Enter Pet Peeve #2. Not paying attention to others around you.

I get that you are into your workout but pay attention to others around you. This happens so often in the gym I’ve lost count. But this is a huge no-no!

I once had a dingy gal run into my arm on the pec fly while I was working out it could have caused me injury. But, I pay attention. Thank goodness.

Another thing that annoys me is the person who stands in front of the weight rack and gets bothered when you interrupt them to put your weights back where they belong, which happens to be where they are standing to do the work. The entire gym floor is open, move away. Simply move away!

Why this is a problem - when you only focus on yourself like the guy in pet peeve #1 there are several things that could happen.

  • You risk injury

  • You intimidate someone who needs to be there

  • You are inconsiderate, tell me your momma raised you better than that, better yet, show me!

  • This is a very likely sign that is how you live your life - the world revolves around you.

This is blatantly obvious to those of us who have been on the planet for many years, or have been a trainer since (the guy this morning) he was in diapers, or even before he was a glimmer in his momma’s eyes.

Reality Transurfing

At the risk of sounding hypocritical I leave you with this quote from Reality Transurfing:

A person who believes that their own wants and needs should be a priority for others would never dream that they are merely a guest in this world.” -Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing

We are all guests in the gym, act like it!

Story by Kathie Owen, Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002

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Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®

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