
Kathie’s Blog

Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen

Harnessing the Power of Reality Transurfing: Transform Your Life Today

Are you tired of feeling like life is happening to you, rather than you being in control of your destiny? It's time to discover the power of Reality Transurfing and take charge of your life today. With its roots in quantum physics and metaphysics, Reality Transurfing offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality and how we can navigate it to manifest our desires. Learn more in this article written by Kathie Owen.

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Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen

Why There is Still Drama Around Reality Transurfing®

Explore the enigmatic world of Reality Transurfing in this insightful blog post. Uncover the drama surrounding Vadim Zeland's book, its transformative principles, and its impact on personal growth. Discover how reducing importance and harnessing potential can reshape your reality.

Delve into the controversy that has limited the book's reach and learn why it's essential to balance certification with accessibility. Join us on a journey to understand the power of thought and its role in shaping our lives

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Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen

Manifest Positivity Using Reality Transurfing®

This article explores the philosophy of Reality Transurfing and its concept of pendulums, thought structures that can drain one's energy. The power of changing one's outlook from a negative to a positive perspective, can help protect one's energy from pendulums, manifest positive outcomes, and cultivate gratitude. It is important to master this skill, and how it can help navigate through life with greater positivity and awareness.

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