Mindfulness during the Holiday Season

Article Summary

The 2022 holiday season is upon us. It can be time of great joy and excitement. It can also be a time of depression, anxiety, and stress. Here comes Kathie to the rescue with 10 mindfulness tips to help releive that stress and perhaps make this the best holiday season ever.

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The 2022 holiday season is upon us.

It can be a time of great joy and excitement. And this time of year can also be a time of great sadness and stress. And this can really affect our mental health. Let’s take a moment to consider how we can step back for a moment and look at the holiday season with a growth mindset. You know, from a place of mindfulness and building on that healthy mindset.

So, my aim with this article is to give simple suggestions and offer very good reasons to stay relaxed and enjoy the holidays. Whether at family gatherings, or enjoying those awesome seasonal foods. I also share strategies that can be a great way to reduce our stress levels and help us to enjoy life more. To me, this one of the best gifts you can give yourself and to your friends and family.

Depression and Anxiety

Stress is one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety. Considering the pace of our modern lives we should pause and reevaluate our lives on a constant basis. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” To learn more about slowing down time I wrote this article that you might like.

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Here are some simple strategies to be relaxed, stay happy and enjoy life in general.

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique for Anxiety

This technique has proven helpful for those with Complex PTSD. It is part of a healthy lifestyle though, and a great technique to use during major holidays like Christmas. If you're anxious at any given moment simply name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This will make you feel grounded and in place and it will distract your mind from your panic. This is a very easy way to place us in the present moment.


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Reduce expectations.

Expectations are a funny thing. We all have different ways of setting expectations. Maybe we expect childlike worlds during the holidays, or new experiences to put us in a good mood. We need expectations but sometimes it is just the right thing to step back and evaluate those expectations. because they can wreak havoc in our lives if we do not keep them in check. Some ways we can reduce expectations are: through gratitude, stopping assumptions, reminding ourselves what we can or cannot control, and seeking to empathize and understand others. This could be an entire article and I will probably write this soon and put it on my to-do list.

Focus on others.

The holiday season is a great time to focus on others. Focus on giving what you have to someone less fortunate. Find someone who needs the talents and gifts you have and share with them. Find a friend who may need your help and offer to hang out, be there and listen, save your advice for later, and validate their feelings. Once you do this you will see this improve all areas of your life.

Take some time out in nature.

The first step is to get outside. Walk, breathe in some fresh air, and take time to notice things around you. While out in nature try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. See what you notice.

A lot of people tend to get a fixed mindset when involved in holiday stress. By taking a moment to breathe in some nature you may find this is the perfect gift that you can give to yourself. You return from that walk refreshed. That walk can be especially helpful if you just had one of those excessive meals.

Have a balanced mindset.

Realize that everything in nature is balanced. Remind yourself that there is a time and a place for everything. The next time you feel yourself doing everything at once, step back and take a balanced look at the big picture. You might just find yourself with a healthy holiday mindset!

Develop patience.

Patience is a skill and a mindset. And during the busy holiday season it can be tried and tested constantly. But it can be developed. Some of the best ways to develop patience include: realizing what you can and cannot control, letting go of things that trigger your impatience, learning to reframe situations, practicing delayed gratification, and practicing empathy.

Become more humble.

Humility and inner peace go hand in hand. As Ken Blanchard said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but it is thinking of yourself less." The next time that family member tries your patience, it just might be the best time to sit back and become more humble.

Get enough sleep and rise early.

This can be a very important part of your daily routine. You will be able to plan the day better and maybe even get a quick workout for your exercise routine. If mornings are not the right time for you, try doing this at nighttime. You can switch that early rise to late night time alone time if you are a night owl. That extra time may be just what you need to switch to better health in your life.

Establish routines.

Along the same lines as waking early is establishing power routines that will enhance your mindset. Having these routines and rituals give our minds much-needed refreshment from the everyday stress and overwhelm that can be found during the holidays.

We can even have fitness routines that really melt that stressful time of year right out of our minds. And even get us ready for the new year.

Reflect and evaluate.

When you feel stress coming take a time out and reassess the situation. Often times stress can arise due to a perceived lack of time and lack of control.

So, we need to constantly reevaluate and assess the pace of our lives on to ensure we stay grounded. Yes, it may take a little extra work but I can promise you it will be so worth it. I love Notion to help me re-evaluate and journal my day-to-day life.


So in closing it is that time of year when we really need to slow down and relax and enjoy these days rather than regret them. I realize this time of year can harbor many emotions and stressful times for all of us.

Honestly, it's not my favorite time of year. Many things in my own life prevent me from truly enjoying the season. But I can tell you that having a growth mindset is the best way to enjoy this time and truly realize that it really is just another day.

It is all in your perspective and my hope is that this article gave you a shift in that perspective.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me. Until next time I’ll see you next time Peace Out and Namaste.

Happy Holidays. 🎄

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Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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