
Kathie’s Blog

Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen

The Science Behind the Law of Hypnotic Rhythm: Exploring the Synchronicity of Energy and Success

Unlock the transformative power of the Law of Hypnotic Rhythm in our compelling article! Discover how aligning your energy with the universe's rhythmic patterns can amplify success. Explore practical techniques, scientific insights, and inspiring case studies. Ready to tap into your full potential and attract success? Dive into this life-changing concept now.

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Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen

Unveil the Truth Behind Successful Habits

Discover the transformative power of daily habits in 'Transform Your Life: Unveil the Truth Behind Successful Habits.' This inspiring article demystifies the secrets of success, revealing how small, consistent changes can lead to profound personal growth. Unearth practical strategies to overcome resistance, and embrace the journey to a more fulfilling life. Perfect for anyone seeking motivation and real-life tips for achieving their goals. #SuccessHabits #PersonalGrowth #LifeTransformation #MotivationTips #AchieveYourDreams

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Taking Control: The Impact of Responsibility and Mindset

Responsibility and mindset are two closely related concepts that play a crucial role in shaping our lives and determining our success. The way we approach responsibility, and the mindset we adopt, can have a profound impact on our experiences and outcomes. We discuss responsibility which I think gets a bad rap. And we are going to use 3 different options to interpret responsibility: A Course in Miracles, Reality Transurfing, Levels of Consciousness by Dr. David Hawkins.

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Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen

Boundaries and Bullies

Kathie discusses a time when she let her boundaries down and ended up in the victim-victimizer cycle with others and herself. “I teach this stuff! Why am I doing this now?” Learn how Kathie released herself from this vicious cycle and how you can too. Learn about boundaries, guilt, and forgiveness of yourself and others in this article.

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My Story, Truth Bubbles Up Kathie Owen My Story, Truth Bubbles Up Kathie Owen

The Little Black Dog

If someone was to ask me to tell a story about what the bottom line of my book The Truth Bubbles Up stands for I would tell them - this is it! This story is sad but a true meaning of life comes out in this story. It is also a story that you will not soon forget. That is the power of storytelling.

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Mindset, Truth Bubbles Up, Daily Stories Kathie Owen Mindset, Truth Bubbles Up, Daily Stories Kathie Owen

Story: Fear is a Liar

Fear is a liar. I say that to myself and those fearful stories I told myself this morning. I say this to anyone who is afraid. We all have demons to fight. I do and so do you. It is how you fight them that says EVERYTHING about who you are and where you live from - victim, victimizer, or victor. I chose victor every single time. It may take me a few minutes to get to victor but I dang sure know how to find it!

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Mindset, Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen Mindset, Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen

Levels of Consciousness Explained

Levels of Consciousness from the book Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins. Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected. Facts are accumulated by effort, but truth reveals itself effortlessly. As a fitness trainer and life coach if I can get my clients to create a habit my job is 99% done. This is not done through force but through power.

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Drifting Outwitting the Devil

Have you ever been in a place where those close to you do not support your dream? That's where I am right now. But I know what I want, I picture it from the end, and this keeps me from giving into fear. And what I teach today!

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Why Responsibility is a Good Thing

Change your perspective on responsibility and you will not only get your power back, where it belongs, but you will transform your life. Kathie discusses the power of responsibility. It is as simple as a choice!

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