Why Consistent Action is Key!


Consistency - it's a word that holds the key to achieving your dreams, conquering procrastination, and overcoming plateaus. In this month's blog post, we're going to dive deep into Kathie Owen's YouTube video transcript, where she introduces her November calendar centered around the theme of consistency. Kathie, an entrepreneur, fitness trainer, and life coach with over 20 years of experience, shares her insights on the transformative power of consistency and how it can impact every aspect of your life.

Why Consistency Matters:

Kathie starts by emphasizing the importance of consistency in her journey as an entrepreneur. She acknowledges the self-doubt, uncertainty, and moments of wanting to give up that every entrepreneur faces. Yet, it's the unwavering commitment to consistency that kept her moving forward. Consistency is the backbone of her success, and she believes it can be the key to yours as well.

The November Calendar:

Kathie's November calendar is more than just a set of dates; it's a lifeline designed to help you turn your dreams into reality. Whether you're reading this in November or any other month, you can download and apply the calendar to your life. It's a tool that can be used year-round to help you stay consistent and on track with your goals.

Daily Prompts and Reminders:

Inside the calendar, you'll find daily prompts and reminders that touch your soul, ignite your spirit, and empower you to take small, kind steps toward your goals. Kathie emphasizes that consistency is about making mindful moves and nurturing an unbreakable mindset. Each day's message serves as a source of motivation and encouragement.

Examples from the Calendar:

Kathie provides a glimpse into some of the powerful messages from her November calendar:

  1. Day 7: Keep Going: This prompt reminds us of the endurance and determination required to achieve our goals. It encourages us to press forward even when faced with challenges, emphasizing the importance of resilience and tenacity.

  2. Day 16: Be Persistent: Kathie draws inspiration from Napoleon Hill's concept of persistence as a vehicle for success. This day serves as a reminder that setbacks are part of the journey, and it's our persistence that sets us apart from the rest.

  3. Day 20: Focus Forward: This day highlights the importance of directing your energy toward the future rather than dwelling on the past or comparing yourself to others. It's about channeling your efforts into actions that will move you closer to your desired outcomes.

Join the Journey:

Kathie invites everyone to join her on a 30-day journey of transformation fueled by consistency, determination, and the support of a community of like-minded individuals. The November calendar, titled "Action and Consistency," is a powerful tool designed to help you cultivate the habit of consistency and unlock your full potential. It's a journey that transcends any specific month or year.


Consistency is the magic wand that can help you create wonders in your life. Kathie's November calendar is not just a tool but a source of inspiration and motivation. Whether you're an entrepreneur striving for success or someone committed to your health and wellness journey, consistency is the secret weapon that can propel you forward. Embrace the power of consistency and let it guide you toward unwavering success.

So, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of consistency? If you are, seize your destiny by clicking the link below and join Kathie in igniting the fire within. It's time to turn "I can't" into "I can" and "I won't" into "I will." One consistent, emotionally charged day at a time. Your journey to greatness starts now.

Read more articles here!

Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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