Importance and Reality Transurfing®


Article Summary

Importance is a HUGE concept in Reality Transurfing. We discuss ways to reduce importance, even on big things like family.

We discuss bullies and why they may act the way they do. Included in this post are the podcast episode, video, and written post.

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Today we discuss this quote:

People will always find ways of justifying their actions claiming that their path is too densely strewn with obstacles and that for them, something always goes wrong.

That something of course is balanced forces and pendulums that arise as a consequence of the excess potential generated by their self-importance

-Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing

Importance is such a huge topic in Reality Transurfing

And if you do not drop importance balanced forces and pendulums will arise as a consequence of the excess potential.


I tell the story about the first time I talked about dropping importance in Toastmasters. To be honest, big situations are difficult to drop importance or even reduce it. And it is because there is excess potential involved - family, loss of life, traumatic situations.

But let’s break it down to a time when importance is not involving trauma.

Have you ever watched an argument and wondered which person is the bigger idiot? That is importance! And it is also the kind of importance you can drop.

A bully is someone who would rather be right than kind.

I always go back to the person who gets into a huge fight over their seat on an airplane.

There is a very simple way of reducing importance which is to come to terms with the possibility of defeat at the very beginning. Unless you accept the possibility of defeat you will not eliminate the desire.

Watch the video here:

Listen to the episode here:

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Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®

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