How to Use the Power of Habit

Article Summary:

After studying in detail the book The Power of Habit, Kathie wrote this article to help her clients and friends understand exactly how powerful their habits are. Learn more in this article. Scroll down to listen to the podcast episode or watch the YouTube Video.

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Habits are a fascinating thing for me as a Personal Trainer. For if I can help a client create a habit I have done 99% of my job as a trainer. Habits are powerful but they are delicate.

In his book Power of Habit, Charles Duhig says,

“We performed studies from the past decade examining the impacts of exercise on daily routines. When people start habitually exercising, even as infrequently as once a week, they start changing other, unrelated patterns in their lives, often unknowingly.”

Our brains cannot tell the difference between good habits and bad habits.

So let’s create what is called a habit loop to create good habits. A habit loop is CUE > ROUTINE > REWARD.

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The Habit Loop

Let me give you an example of a habit loop to make this simple.

We recently installed a few new security pads on campus. The habit loop looks like this:




However, there was a disruption in the ROUTINE to the REWARD. The disruption was the fact that the badge was not scanning quickly, rather it took a little longer than usual.

Employees thought the scanner was broken because the reward was not given. This disruption was so bad it caused someone to come to the security office claiming the gate was broken.

We build habits to keep us safe. If we did not build habits our brains would be working on overdrive.

Take for example backing your car out of your driveway in the morning. The very first time you did it, it was not an easy task. You had to pay attention to every minor detail from how the mirrors work, what gear to put your car in, the pace to move the car, etc.

Soon this becomes a habit. Once it becomes a habit we can focus on more important things like what are my plans for the weekend, where I am eating for lunch, or the meeting agenda I have today.

Applying Habits to Fitness

How does this apply to our wellness? We must create CORNERSTONE (Duhigg calls them keystone) habits that are for our health and wellness.

Here are 3 areas where cornerstone healthy habits come into play and what you can consider when building a healthy habit. Those areas are MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Pick just ONE area of these 3 types of habits to use as your cornerstone habit and watch your world transform.

As your fitness trainer I pick the example of exercise (BODY). Replace the word exercise for a habit of mind or spirit that you prefer.

Remember we want to know our CUE > ROUTINE > REWARD

A CUE for exercise could be laying out our exercise clothes for the workout we have planned in the morning. Personally, I use affirmations as my cue because I get up early to exercise, and honestly, I’d much rather sleep.

The ROUTINE for exercise getting dressed, drinking your pre-workout, your workout itself, etc.

The REWARD for exercise can be the great feeling of endorphins kicking n and how you feel. When first building a habit your reward may need to be something you really want like a healthy (or not) breakfast, a new pair of running shoes, or even a great new shower gel to use after your workout. Keep that reward in mind, especially if you are not thrilled about getting into the routine. Personally, I have several rewards tied to my exercise routine.

Pro tip: If you can tie your reward to a powerful feeling you have won the battle.

As your cornerstone habit that exercise routine will spill over into your day making you more productive at work, helping you feel more energetic, and even spilling over into your relationships.

Once you tie all of those rewards to your one habit, you have conquered the habit loop of a healthy habit. Therein lies the power of habit.

Remember it all starts with a cue! What is your cue going to be?

FAQ for Power of Habits:

What are some examples of using the power of habits?

Answer: Here are 7 examples.

1. Identify current habits to see if they’re worth keeping or not

When Charles started gaining weight, he identified his afternoon cookie snack as the culprit and decided that cookie-eating wasn’t a habit worth keeping.

Take Action: Pick out habits by identifying the cue, the routine, and the reward you get from each one, and decide to keep or change them based on their impact on your life.

2. Establish cues and use them to start forming good habits

To instill exercise habits, Charles says some people use cues like putting their running clothes beside their bed or putting on their running shoes before breakfast.

Take Action: Create a habit by setting up cues based on a time of day, a particular place, a certain emotion, the presence of certain people, or some other kind of trigger.

3. Set up rewards to reinforce positive habits

Charles says that runners reward themselves at the start of a run by listening to motivational music and at the end of the run when they get a runner’s high. Or listen to a podcast, like Stop the Mind Screw Podcast!

Take Action: Reward yourself before, during, or after a habitual routine by doing something you enjoy or by getting something you want.

4. Change your routine to get rid of unwanted habits

Charles says that Alcoholics Anonymous helps alcoholics by substituting their drinking routine with AA meetings, which are cued by stressful events and provide a reward in the form of tension relief.

Take Action: Identify the cues and rewards associated with your habits, and replace the negative routines with positive ones while keeping the same cues and rewards.

5. Join a group for support and positive reinforcement

Charles says that alcoholics who feel like giving up get support and positive reinforcement from other AA members, which encourages them to try harder to control their alcoholism.

Take Action: Join a support group or form one comprised of your friends and family, and look to them for support and reassurance.

6. Identify keystone habits to control other habitual patterns

Charles explains how exercise as a keystone habit makes changing other habits easier, like eating better and procrastinating less.

Take Action: Identify which of your habits influences your life or organization the most, and work on developing that keystone habit.

7. Create an action plan to resolve anticipated problems faster

Charles says that rehab patients who write action plans on how to deal with moments of intense pain recovered twice as fast as the patients who didn’t.

Take Action: List problems or difficulties that you expect to encounter, and create an action plan by coming up with routines to address each one.

How does one use the Power of Habits Book?

Answer: Simply follow the 7 action plans listed above.

What is the power of habit?

Answer: The power of habit is using the things our brains do subconsciously to our advantage and create cues, behaviors, and rewards accordingly.

Where can I get The Power of Habits Book?

Answer: The Power of Habits: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business on Amazon in Kindle, Audiobook, Paperback, Hardcover, and Audio CD are all listed in this link on Amazon.

Read more articles here:

Transcript Here:

You're listening or watching the Stop the Mind Screw Show I'm your host, Kathie Owen Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Teaching Stop the Mind Screw Process. What is that? Well, stop mind screwing yourself out of success, health, wealth, and happiness. Let's get into that. I'm starting a new project in that.

It thrilled me to me. What I'm going to be doing. And this is my first episode. So I'm kind of out of flow. And I'm going to explain that in a second. So I'm going to start teaching from mind mapping. And I learned this from my mentor, Joseph Rodrigues. And the reason I say I'm out of flow because flow is where challenge meets skill.

And I'm really unsure about a lot of. Aspects of doing this. Like the de script is a thing I use to record my videos and teaching from the mind map. So keep that in mind while you watch today's episode. And if you'd like a copy of the mind map, you can find that at link will be in the show notes and the district.

Thank you for watching today's episode. I hope you liked it. And if you knew somebody who can benefit from this, please share it with them till next time. I'll see you next time. Peace out.

All right. I have been obsessed with habits and behavior modification and personal development for many, many years, and especially habits because habits as a personal trainer, I can tell you that if I can help my client create a. My job is 99% done, complete, but habits as we will learn today are very delicate today.

We're talking from the book, the power of habit, why we do what we do in life and business by Charles, we're going to talk about replacing habits. That's one of the best ways you can find. Create a great habit and actually transform your life in magic fashion. We're going to talk about the layers of change.

We're going to talk about habits and stop the mind screw process. And of course, we're going to touch on reality trends, surfing, and habits and how they all tie. So replacing a habit. Your brain does not know the difference between a good and a bad habit. So if you're doing something that is not beneficial to you personally, it, your brain is not going to go, oh, that was not good.

If it feels good, it's going to stick with it. So from the book, uh, Charles Duhigg said that studies from the past decade, examining the impacts of exercise on daily routines. When people start habitually, exercising, even as infrequently as once a week. They start changing other unrelated patterns in their lives.

Often unknowingly, typically people who exercise start eating better and become more productive at work. But for many people, exercise is a Keystone habit that triggers widespread change.

So, if you focus on changing or cultivating Keystone habits, you can cause widespread shifts because as he said that the habit becomes a Keystone and other things start changing. Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of wellbeing and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.

Something as simple as that.

So when we're talking about ACU your routine and your reward, what exactly does that mean when it comes to a habit? Well, think about the person who eats junk food and let's just pull out something out of the hat. Those fiery Cheetos when they see them or when they are in a situation, which is their cue, they go, oh, I got to have some fiery Cheetos.

So the routine is they purchase them and they eat them or they pull them out of the pantry and they eat. The reward that they get is the feeling that those Cheetos give you an a lot of times, unconsciously, that is a comfort.

So the cue happens to be the habit or the place that you are at the routine is what you do. And the reward is what you get. A lot of this habit loop is what this is called is unconscious. As I said, the brain cannot tell the difference between good habits and bad habits. The habit loop of cue routine reward stays the same, unless here's the magic of it.

All you create a new habit. Habits are unconscious regardless of the lesson. What does that mean? So habits are just things that you stick with it. If you you're not even hungry and you eat, it's just a habit it's unconscious. And regardless of the lesson, that is why weight loss and junk food go hand in hand are no weight loss and junk food.

Go hand in hand because the habit is unconscious. In the book, he talks about this man named Eugene. He had meningitis and it depleted the part of his brain where I'm just going to make it simple, where habits are made. And it it's funny what they studied this man and his behaviors to understand why habits are formed and how they affect us.

So, If a habit is formed via emotional feelings, that habit is even stronger. So take those Cheetos. If those Cheetos happened to give you a feeling of reward and a craving, you're going to start craving them. And we're going to talk about craving in a minute, but what they found with Eugene. He would be at home and he had cues in the house that made him think he had to eat breakfast, whether he was hungry.

Or not. So it, sometimes he would eat breakfast four times a day and his breakfast even consisted of bacon and eggs and everything. He did not even know. He ate a few minutes before that he did not even know he ate because that habit or his reticular activating system had been damaged with the meningitis.

So. That right there taught us so much about habits and the feelings and emotions that go with it. And let me tell you later in the book, he talks about how Eugene started aging and he started having major issues. Like he started gaining weight, he needed to exercise and. They had to start watching what he ate and he could not understand why his wife was hiding the bacon from him, because it was always in the same place or, you know, he just had a habit of it and he was like, I have to eat my breakfast and he had a habit of it and he would eat it.

I'm not kidding you four times in a month. Because it wasn't even hungry. This explains why those Cheetos can really get you or whatever that junk food is or whatever that bad habit is. They explained how it affects gambling, how it affects alcoholism, how it affects your weight loss, your exercise, your productivity, everything.

So craving is what powers, the habit loop, the cue, the response, the reward. So cultivate a craving that drives the loop, cultivate a craving that drives the loop. So. Instead of craving Cheetos. When you, you, you grabbed the bag, you're doing it unconsciously. You can cultivate a craving that makes it better.

What they did with Eugene was they started teaching him how to exercise and how to get more movement in his day. So at least he was getting some of that calorie burn that he needed to do, and they put it in as a. What they did and what, what we want to do when we're trying to eliminate a bad habit or start a new habit is we want to set a clear cue, do the behavior, and then set a clear reward.

What is a clear cue to you? It could be. Your cell phone is disturbing you. So you turn off your cues for a certain amount of time. You do the behavior, and then your reward is you got that behavior done, or whatever motivates you for exercise and fitness, a clear cue could be laying out your workout clothes and seeing them there.

And that is your cue that you go to the. You do the behavior, you'd go to the gym and then you set a clear reward that reward could be buying a new pair of tennis shoes after you do so many workouts or whatever rewards you. So for me, my clear cue happens to be affirmations. I don't like to wake up in the morning.

I don't like to get out of bed, but I have to exercise. And the. For everything to affect my entire day.

So before I even get out of bed, as soon as the alarm goes off, I set affirmations and intentions to help me go, okay, it's going to be a great day. Or, um, I know this workout is going to make me feel better. I'm getting up all the hard part is just getting out of bed, those types of things. Then you do the behavior.

Go to the gym, by the way, the gym is not the only type of exercise for you to get fit and set a clear reward. So that reward would be for me personally, I'm motivated by achievement. So I would say, I notice, I feel a lot better during the day I am more productive and therefore that's my. On here you notice I talk about Cinnabon.

Cinnabon is a cinnamon roll company that really played on this. They played on the queue. The response and the reward. So the cue would be, they would actually put their cinnamon roll business at the end of the food court, like away from the other restaurants. So that, that cinema. Smell would go throughout the, the mall area where they were close to and it would create that craving and it would pull their reward was people would spend money with them and buy the cinnamon rolls.

Target does the same thing. They have the. The popcorn popping in there and the atmosphere, they trust me, they had the atmosphere set up for craving. So we want to replace these habits by referring over to our routines and, and change because remember there's cue routine reward. So the routine w is something we just get in the habit of.

We just get in the habit of doing so you don't even have to think about it. That's what's the power of the habit. So you can interrupt a routine. There was a girl they studied that was biting her fingernails and she could not stop. I mean, she bit him so much that she was down to the low, the, her, her fingers were bleeding and she couldn't stop.

But what they did was they interrupted the routine. They found something that. Either gave her a craving. I mean, you can't just interrupt the routine by painting different Polish on there or doing something that would irritate you for her. It was something else. And you have to find what you're craving is to interrupt that routine and catch you and catch you in the habit.

On my fitness routine, I had to find, I have to interrupt my sleep and I like to sleep. And how do I do that? I had to find a reward that would actually tell me I have to get out of bed and I have. And you may have to find the same thing you don't like to exercise. Granted. There's so many different times of types of exercise and, um, that you don't have to go to the gym to exercise.

I mean, that's not what we're talking about today, but I am telling you that you can interrupt that routine and change it to something more beneficial.

Belief and reality trans surfing, which we will touch on in a moment. But belief is easier when it comes from a community and pendulums in reality, trans surfing. And what that means is it's, we're talking about a pendulum is just a thought structure that everybody thinks, and it's very contagious and it only wants your inner.

Now there are constructive and destructive pendulums. So what you're trying to do in your routine and change to replace your habit is you're trying to change your beliefs about that habit. You're trying to change the beliefs and join a community, or get yourself on a pendulum that will change that belief.

And. Actually take advantage of how the pendulum works. And we'll talk more about that. When we get to reality, trans surfing in the review, a habit cannot be eradicated. It must be replaced. Take Eugene, for example, in the man that it had the meningitis damage to his brain, they tried to. Eradicate his habit by hiding his food from him in the kitchen, and this would irritate him.

So he would get so angry. And remember how I said that emotion is a strong tie to a habit. And it's unconscious, especially with Eugene because he didn't his part of his brain that affected his habits did not work. So, what they did was they replaced it with something else. They found what his cues were.

His cues were the morning light in the house, the way things were set up in the house, he, the way he would work in the morning house. They started studying his behavior and then they replaced it with something more beneficial so that he wouldn't go. If he already ate breakfast, they replaced it with walking and taking his walk.

And then by the time he got back from his walk, the morning light wasn't there and he was on to another part of his unconscious habit. And again, change is even better when there is a group involved. And again, we're going to talk about pendulums and how to use that to your advantage, to help you change your routine and your cues and your rewards.

So let's go into layers of change in his book, atomic habits. James clear discusses three layers of behavior change. Number one is identity-based habits. This level is concerned with changing your beliefs, your world, view yourself, image your judgments about yourself and others. And most of the beliefs, assumptions and biases you hold are based on this level.

So. This one is pretty powerful too, because to me, this one, I talk about toxic positivity a lot. And what happens is these people have these beliefs that positivity is toxic. So they turn down the habit of thinking positive because they're like, oh no, that's that's, that's um, that's toxic. And it, that is just a belief.

That is just a belief and an assumption. And we have to change that to get, we have to change that identity, to get to what we want. Changing your process. This level is concerned with changing your habits and systems. Implementing a morning routine, for example. So once you implement a morning routine, it's almost like stacking your habits because you've started your morning routine and you've got your habit going of doing that.

And then everything snowballs. You build momentum that way, as much as you may not like waking up in the morning like myself, once you start doing that, one of the rewards is that. Because it starts tricking your brain to hate this feels good. Like those fire Cheetos

and the third layer of behavior change is changing your outcomes. And this level is concerned with changing your results. What does that all mean? Well, when we change our results and we noticed that. Oh, this morning routine is benefiting me. Then we can also start stacking more habits and more rewards that come with that.

So you change your outcomes and you go, Hmm. The fiery Cheetos are not working for me. I'm paying attention to that instead of mindlessly eating them.

the process of behavior change always starts with awareness. It always starts with awareness B. You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them. You've got to be aware. It's like the person eating the fire Cheetos when they're fixing to eat lunch and. 30 minutes. They're not even aware.

They're unconscious of this behavior. A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. The ultimate purpose of habits is to solve problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible. So habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic.

Take for example, backing your car out of the. You put your car in reverse and think about the very first time you did this. You had to think about every thing you had to think about how to put it in reverse, which gear to put it in, of course, and looking in the mirrors and what the pace has to be. You can't automatically step on the gas and that takes a lot of energy and it takes a lot of effort.

You can only think one thought at a time. So that takes a lot of. But once it becomes a habit and has been repeated enough times becomes automatic. So guess what? Our brain can start thinking about other things like maybe what are we going to have for lunch today? What's on our meeting agenda or what our plans are for the weekend.

That kind of stuff. One of the most satisfying feelings is the feeling of making progress. So if you're. Feeling like you're making progress. Like I started before I even opened this episode, I said, this is my first mind map teaching. There's going to be mistakes. I'd rather be this out there and have the practice of doing this.

And that gives me a feeling of making progress and staying consistent, but I've got the habit down of already being consistent, but I need to make progress to. There we go. I'm getting satisfied because the feeling of making progress and the key to finding and fixing the causes of your bad habits is to reframe the associations you have about them.

So identify your bad habits with awareness and then reframe the associations you have with. If you're a bad habit, is that junk food become aware of why you're eating it and then reframe the associations you have about them. So that it'll be easier to turn it down when it comes up again, because guess what?

It's going to come up again. So you want to create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. People with high self control tend to spend less time in tempting session patients, it's easier to avoid temptation than it is to resist it. So, especially in the very beginning. Our self-control is something we develop over time and that's like a muscle.

You just have to work it. So find where your temptations are so that you can easily avoid it at first. And then you won't have to resist it. There's that awareness. Oh, as well.

And I really liked this one increase the friction associated with bad behaviors. When friction is high habits are. For example, you get rid of all the junk food in your house. Well, I'm not going to go to the store and buy those fire Cheetos when it's, the friction is too high with that, it's just too much to get into it.

And if you really think about your bad habits and we all have them because we are human right. Try to become aware number one and then replace it with something that's going to cause you friction to get to that, that habit. What I also like to do, and this isn't even in the notes here is I like to still bring in a little treat or reward.

So if you'd really like those, maybe just have. In the house where you can have one a day and then slowly start taking it away. And flow integration flow is where challenge meets skill. And as I started this episode, I said, I am facing a new challenge by using descript for my video editing. And I don't really understand it, but I am trying to integrate.

The challenge and the skill as well as I don't really know what's recording on the screen and it just, I don't have a lot of control, but I know I need to do this. So I set clear goals when I doing something like that. So I can stay in flow. When I start to get frustrated or irritated, I walk away for at least five minutes, 10 minutes at the minimum.

Then when I come back, I can see it differently on this video. For example, I've recorded this two times. And every time I get a little bit better, but I have to get this out there because done is better than perfect. And it's not going to be perfect on my first video release, but it's going to get. Over time.

So how that is how I find harmony between the challenge and the skill. And I still stay in flow flow is where action and awareness become one, and it just happens and you lose track of time. Um, distractions are excluded from consciousness, fear, doubt, and indecision tapers away. I can't tell you how powerful.

It is like this, it's like a professional athlete out there on the court. You can watch them and it looks like they're, they're not afraid. They don't have any doubt and they make decisions right on time. And that is what flow is. And we've all experienced this at one point in.

You want to get familiar with that? And like I said, when you're really being challenged and you go, oh gosh, this is not harmonious. I need to step away. It's powerful when you do that, because when you come back, it will, you'll have time to process it and become more aware. So your actions and awareness becomes.

And the activity of the person becomes autotelic. And w what does autotelic mean? Well, it's an autotelic personality and here are the aspects of an autotelic personality. Your goals are intrinsic. That means they come from the inside and next week, we're going to talk about motivation, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation.

When your goals are intrinsic. When they come from inside you, you're more likely to achieve them. And you will learn that in the next episode, your work is immersive. You get lost in your work picture, the athlete who gets lost in the game. And they just watched like, look perfectly on the court. Their attention is unwavering.

They're focused is there. And I can tell you I'm in flow right now. Even though I'm still uncomfortable. I'm still finding the challenge and the skill being one. And it, it, it's really kind of, it's a really a great feeling. And therefore, just like I'm saying work is inherently enjoyable. You just have fun doing it.

And trust me, I'm having fun. Habits and stop the mind screw. So desire is very important when it comes to building a habit. If you don't want to go to the gym here, not going to build a habit of doing it. And that's so typical and it's very understandable, but there are other ways to get exercise. You can find other things that you desire to.

You get clear on what you want and picture it from the end in mind. What do you want is step number one and stop the mind. Screw and. When you decide what you want and you picture it from the end in mind, you picture yourself, committing those actions and being that person and being whatever vision you picture.

It'll be easy for you to understand that when you have the challenges, when you confront challenges that affect you, you go, oh, this is contributing to what I want. So I know I have to go through. To get to the other side, a mental diet is step number two and stop the mind screw. And a mental diet is just simply not dwelling on negative thoughts, become aware of your cues and your cues.

How do you look at them? Do you look at them in a negative way, or do you look at them in a way and dwell on that? Or do you look at them in a way that is more empowering for you? That's where our mental diet can help. Your self-talk evaluation and thought habits or steps three and four, and stop the mind.

Screw. How are you talking to yourself about things and become aware? Awareness is key. Remember mean awareness is key to, to breaking that unconscious habit become aware of the thought habits, the empowering and the disempowering habits. And where are you enabling bad habits and your community. Are they enabling the bad habits as well.

Remember, avoid temptation. If your community is enabling you to continue this bad habit that you're trying to break. I get it. You can't be around your family and you can't say I'm just leaving the whole family by I'm trying to break a new builds a new habit. No, you break it down into tiny pieces. And for, let's say just one day, you try to do the new habit and nobody really notices you start building on that and you just build a little bit, it.

And it's just, like I said, you can keep the little cue that you have that goes with it, but start breaking it away in tiny pieces and replacing it with other things that will either cause friction or help you stay. Avoid the bad habit. Revision, revision, and healing are steps. Number step number five and stop the mice group.

Revision comes from Neville Goddard's pruning shears of revision and what he does, and he talks about is going at the end of your day, going through your whole day and things that you were reactive to, things that you had a hard time with, you rewrite that in your mind before you go to sleep. And when you do that, Your subconscious picks up on it and it changes the way you look at it.

And we will definitely be talking about this a lot more, but when it comes to your habits, reframe your associations with your habits. What are your cues? What are your routines? What are you rewards? How can you rewrite those? So they are empowering instead of disempowering. And you can journal on this and think on this, and this does not happen over.

This is a process. What ends up happening is you find flow and you create harmony between challenge and the skill, and you eliminate distractions. You find community where there is power there, make your cues, routines, and rewards Harmonists. And finally, where does reality trans surfing fit into this? The things that I teach from reality to turf trans surfing is to find advantage, find advantage in everything.

How can we do this? When it comes to our habits, we can apply the fact that when we are reactive, when we do have a bad day, when we do have a trigger, when we do fall back into the bad habit patterns, we can look at it as, okay, this is a good sign because it's making me aware. Number one, number two. My world has always taken care of me.

And this is contributing to my goal is contributing to what I want in the end, in mind, guardian and belief in change. So your guardian is like your higher being your higher self infinite intelligence, God, whatever you call it, but you have to have a belief. And change and changing your behavior. You have to follow your intuition, which is your guardian, follow your heart and intuition for it.

Somehow knows that. That's Steve jobs quote from his commencement speech. And I followed back to this a lot of times because when I'm having a reactive situation or when I'm confronted with a bad habit, I fall back to my intuition and I actually have a conversation with my intuition. And I realize how what's happening is contributing to my goal.

It's keeping me in flow and it's keeping me on track. The mirror principle in reality, trans surfing. We'll talk about this a little bit more in another episode, but the mirror principle think about it. When you look in a mirror, you can't change the reflection, but what you can change is how you perceive it in the mirror.

And there's infinite levels of looking at the mirror and it's a little bit. But it's really not, but there's, especially when you confront a problem, you've got to remember there's infinite solutions to every problem because our brains, the way they, they were built to take care of us, are they go, okay, I'm going to hone in on this one solution and that's all I'm going to have.

But when, you know, there are infinite solutions, it makes it a lot easier to deal with and a lot easier to.

And pendulums are just a thought structure that everybody thinks that is a, that is contagious and tries to get you to just once your energy. That's all a pendulum once. And. You need to have a belief in communities and changing lives. So Steve jobs says, don't let the sound of other people's opinions, drown out your own inner voice, that to the guardian, back to the pendulum's other people's opinions can drown out your own inner voice.

And, and don't let that happen because when you have that conversation with your higher being. God, infinite intelligence. You will start to find your own answers instead of everybody else's and then set up a community of support, even just one other person can help you just like, um, group think, uh, masterminds.

I'm putting it out there that you need support and help from other people who can help you go to the next level, help you build that healthy. Use the pendulum constructively like that. All right. That's my episode for today. I hope it helped. Thank you for watching today's episode. I hope you liked it. And if you know somebody who can benefit from this, please share it with them till next time I see you next time.

Peace out. And. Namaste,

Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®

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