Enthusiasm is a Contagious Virtue

Article Summary

Enthusiasm is one of the best ways to start this plan! It is your mental vitamin!! Now before I lose you I want to say this. Enthusiasm is a choice. It is not forced. It is simply choosing to feel enthusiastic about something even when the world may not be going as you like.

Because enthusiasm is contagious you will find it spilling over into other β€œnot-so-great” moments in your day. Build off of this belief because it will serve you!

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From my book, The Truth Bubbles Up

Here is a story about a time I chose enthusiasm over a situation that was not β€œideal.”

Chapter 10: The Shift Happens

β€œWhat is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them.” – Gary Zukav

The shift began in 2008, right after that breakdown I had at the gym that day. I decided that I was going to let go. And I did just that. I let go of two very important things. I let go of the story I was telling everyone who would listen. And I let go of my expectations for my role as a mom. While this letting go did not happen overnight it would happen. And the power it gave me? Well, honestly I can’t explain it with words. But I’ll do my best.

Christmas Day 2007 is when I started Kathie’s Fitness Blog. I actually bought the URL www.kathiesfitblog.com on Christmas Day. I know this very date well. You see Kendall had planned a family cruise on my custody time. I could have argued with him but it would definitely do no good. Let’s weigh the choices here. I could force the boys to stay with me on Christmas. Or let them go on a cruise with their dad where they would be happy and have a great time. Now, you tell me, do you think my Christmas would be fun if I forced them to stay with me?

So I let go with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm about something that is not ideal is a choice. This is a fact I teach in Stop the Mind Screw. When you choose enthusiasm everything shifts. Did I feel enthusiastic? Absolutely not. It sucked spending Christmas alone. And I was 100% alone that Christmas. I could have spent Christmas with my brother but doing so would only be a sad reminder that my kids were no longer a part of the family tradition of the holiday. That would not be enthusiastic.

Instead, I created a cacoon around myself that holiday. I did not decorate nor did I celebrate. I treated it like any other day. Because when it really comes down to it, it is just another day. While out and about during the season I reminded myself that this was in fact a good thing. I did not have to spend money on gifts for my boys. Why would I? My material items would not even compare to what Kendall gave them.

And if I forced my boys to spend the holiday it would have been miserable. They would have complained the entire time. And who could blame them? Koby was 9 and Kevin was 11. At that age, all the boys cared about was their friends and fun. Kendall knew this and definitely took advantage of this.

Those narcissistic defenses of denial, distortion, and projection were on steroids at Kendall’s house. Letting go became my only defense at this time. But let me make one thing clear, it was not in denial that I let go. I did not deny my feelings nor did I suppress them. I took responsibility for the things I could control and I chose to look at the things I could control with enthusiasm.

Let me repeat that because it is important: I took responsibility for the things I could control and I chose to look at the things I could control with enthusiasm.

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Smiley Face Day

Please give this a try. This week I want you to pretend every single day is β€œSmiley Face Day.” πŸ™ƒ What is smiley face day?

I randomly place smiley faces on my calendar at the beginning of the month and call that day β€œSmiley Face Day.” Choose enthusiasm!

When β€œsmiley face dayπŸ™‚β€ arrived I was determined to have a HAPPY day and make everyone around me happy. I would translate this day into random acts of KINDNESS. This created what is coined β€œThe Helpers High.”

Smile at everyone you see, greet things with enthusiasm and watch your world change.

Positive Research

There actually is a lot of positive research on what this can do for YOU!


Enthusiasm has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy, and compassion, and improve mood. It can decrease blood pressure and cortisol, a stress hormone.

People who give of themselves in a balanced way also tend to be healthier and live longer.

Kindness can increase your sense of connectivity with others, which impacts loneliness, improve low mood and enhance relationships. It can also be contagious.


Enthusiasm can positively change your brain.

Feeling enthusiastic boosts serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters in the brain that give you feelings of satisfaction and well-being, and cause the pleasure rewards center of your brain to light up! πŸ’‘

Endorphins which are your body’s natural pain killer also can be released!


It is not just how you treat other people but how you extend those same behaviors and intentions to yourself as well.

(All of this amazing information is from the Mayo Clinic.)

Now on to our quotes of the week and things to contemplate which are also listed in your download of the week.

Quotes and Thoughts for the Week

  • With enthusiasm, your desires turn into burning desires.

  • Enthusiasm is your mental vitamin.

  • Act enthusiastic, fake it til you make it. Did you know that when you smile or think about enthusiasm it simply changes your body chemistry? That’s what I mean by fake it til you make it. Don’t force it!

  • Enthusiasm and positive attitudes are contagious and yield great outcomes.

  • Flaming enthusiasm backed up with common sense and persistence most frequently makes for success.

  • If you can maintain enthusiasm long enough it will produce anything!

  • Remind yourself to act enthusiastic, others will catch it and it will overcome any trouble you may have.

  • Enthusiasm is powerful.

  • Tell yourself, "I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel terrific!"

  • Smile all the time. It tells your brain you are enthusiastic and it improves your face value.


So enthusiasm is your virtue of the week.

Here are all 12 virtues:

  • Enthusiasm

  • Accurate thinking

  • Applied faith

  • Controlled attention

  • Self Discipline

  • Personal Initiative

  • Learning from defeat

  • Going the extra mile

  • Budgeting time and money

  • Maintain sound physical health

  • Universal law

  • Pleasing personality

  • Bonus: Creating vision and goals

    See you next week when we discuss Accurate Thinking!

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Thank you for spending part of your day with me. If you found this beneficial please share it using the simple share buttons to the side.

Want more inspiration?

These books are highly recommended reading for inspiration on enthusiasm:

How I Raised Myself Up From Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettcher

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill

Read more articles here!

Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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