
Kathie’s Blog

Unlocking Workplace Harmony: Taming Reactivity for Productive Relationships

Learn to manage workplace reactivity effectively. Our guide offers strategies for fostering productive relationships and enhancing emotional intelligence, leading to improved collaboration and harmony in professional settings. Understand reactivity, practice techniques to help you be more proactive, to build a more healthy and happy workplace. From Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Consultant

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Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen

The Science Behind the Law of Hypnotic Rhythm: Exploring the Synchronicity of Energy and Success

Unlock the transformative power of the Law of Hypnotic Rhythm in our compelling article! Discover how aligning your energy with the universe's rhythmic patterns can amplify success. Explore practical techniques, scientific insights, and inspiring case studies. Ready to tap into your full potential and attract success? Dive into this life-changing concept now.

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Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen

Unveil the Truth Behind Successful Habits

Discover the transformative power of daily habits in 'Transform Your Life: Unveil the Truth Behind Successful Habits.' This inspiring article demystifies the secrets of success, revealing how small, consistent changes can lead to profound personal growth. Unearth practical strategies to overcome resistance, and embrace the journey to a more fulfilling life. Perfect for anyone seeking motivation and real-life tips for achieving their goals. #SuccessHabits #PersonalGrowth #LifeTransformation #MotivationTips #AchieveYourDreams

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Kathie Owen Kathie Owen

Navigating Life's Currents: Mastering the 12 Rules of Transurfing of Reality

Discover the transformative power of Transurfing of Reality in our enlightening article. Explore 12 life-altering rules that unveil how to shape your life's journey with intention and perception. Unleash your potential, navigate life's currents, and align your reality with your deepest desires. Dive into a world where your thoughts create your universe and find the path to personal fulfillment and joy. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and empowerment – a journey that redefines your reality.

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Busting Procrastination: Your February Game-Changer

In February, our New Year's resolutions often wane, but it's never too late to reignite that spark! As a dedicated fitness trainer and life coach, I've created a Procrastination-Busting Calendar, offering daily motivational prompts to keep you focused and inspired. Accompanied by empowering book recommendations, this calendar is your ally in maintaining consistency in your wellness journey. Whether it's February or any other month, let's turn each day into a step toward achieving your goals. Join us in this journey of transformation and empowerment – because every day is a new opportunity to beat procrastination and embrace progress!

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Turn Your Setbacks into Spectacular Comebacks: A Journey of Resilience and Growth

Overcome lack of motivation and setbacks with Kathie Owen's insightful blog. Learn from Jose Altuve's resilience, embrace Reality Transurfing strategies, and join our 12-Day Challenge to boost personal growth. Transform obstacles into opportunities for success. Read for actionable tips and inspiration!

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Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen Habits, Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen

From Procrastination to Motivation: Strategies to Help You Stay Focused and Inspired

Struggling with motivation? 'From Procrastination to Motivation' offers powerful strategies to conquer procrastination and boost focus. Learn to understand its psychological roots, set realistic goals, and create an inspiring work environment. Discover time management techniques like the Pomodoro Method for enhanced productivity. A must-read for transforming procrastination into success and unlocking your full potential.

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The Unseen Battle: Overcoming Resistance and Embracing Your True Potential

Discover the art of conquering resistance in 'Navigating Resistance and Embracing Growth' by Kathie Owen. This heartfelt blog delves into the struggles of overcoming life's hurdles, inspired by Steven Pressfield's 'The War of Art'. Uncover practical strategies for personal growth, embracing simplicity, and the transformative power of positive self-talk and discipline. Join Kathie's journey through resilience and motivation, and learn to turn your setbacks into stepping stones for success.

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Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie Owen

Transurfing of Reality: A New Path to Success and Fulfillment

Embark on a journey through the enlightening world of Transurfing of Reality. This article unveils the secrets to reshaping your life by aligning with multiple realities and mastering the art of intention. Feel the power of transformation as you learn to navigate life's ups and downs with a new perspective, and discover how to attract success, joy, and abundance. Dive into this compelling read and unlock the path to a life of unlimited possibilities.

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Mindset, Fitness, Habits Kathie Owen Mindset, Fitness, Habits Kathie Owen

Overcoming New Year's Anxiety: A Personal Trainer's Journey to Mental Strength

Explore effective strategies to overcome New Year's anxiety in our latest blog post. Discover how a personal trainer conquers stress with a mental diet, daily wellness routines, and gratitude. Learn practical tips for setting manageable goals and maintaining a positive mindset. Ideal for those seeking inspiration for their wellness journey in 2024.

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Fitness, Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen Fitness, Mindset, Habits Kathie Owen

Unlocking Optimal Health with Regenerative Wellness: My Journey with Ways2Well

Embark on a transformative journey with our enlightening article on regenerative health. Discover how Ways2Well's innovative approach to wellness, utilizing comprehensive blood lab analysis, can revolutionize your health and fitness goals. Learn from a personal story of overcoming dietary challenges and revitalizing life, proving that optimal well-being is within reach. Dive into the world of holistic health and find your path to rejuvenation and vitality. Your journey to a healthier, more fulfilled life starts here!

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From Slump to Success: How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in 2024

Struggling with motivation? This article is your guide to breaking free from feeling stuck. Learn to set realistic goals, overcome self-doubt, and find your passion. With practical tips like SMART goal setting and positive affirmations, it's a roadmap to reigniting your drive. Discover how to create a supportive network, stay motivated, and celebrate every achievement. If needed, it even advises seeking professional help. Ready for a transformational journey? Dive into this article

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Breaking Barriers: A Tale of Empathy, Mentorship, and Personal Growth

Discover Kathie Owen's journey from human resources to corporate wellness director and her insights on emotional intelligence and intrinsic motivation. Learn how storytelling shapes our goals and actions, transcending superficial motivations. Join Kathie as she explores personal growth, effective communication, and the transformative power of empathy and self-awareness in this inspiring article that includes the YouTube Video and Podcast Episode.

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Mindset, Habits, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen Mindset, Habits, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie Owen

Set Clear Goals and Reach Them in 2024

What is your definite chief aim? A definite chief aim is a specific, clearly-defined statement of purpose. A single goal statement. It has the power to guide your subconscious mind. It transforms your attitude from pessimism into positive expectation. Let's discuss how your definite chief aim and inner goals actually relate to every aspect of your life! Make 2024 great!

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Mindset, Habits, Fitness, Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen Mindset, Habits, Fitness, Reality Transurfing Kathie Owen

Welcome to Your Resolution Revolution: 31 Days of Transformation

As we turn the page to January 2024, it's not just another month or year; it's the beginning of a Resolution Revolution! If you're ready to make this year truly transformative, you're in the right place. Together, we'll embark on a 31-day journey, not just to set resolutions but to live them. And guess what? I've crafted something special for you—a calendar with 31 power-packed prompts based on the 4P process: Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper. It's more than just a calendar; it's your roadmap to success!

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