Mick’s Empowering Fitness Journey: Embracing Consistency and Mindset

Testimonial for Kathie’s Coaching

I am beyond excited to share the incredible success story of one of my long-time clients and dear friends, Mick. Over the past 12 years, Mick and I have been on an extraordinary journey together, but it wasn't until recently that he experienced a true transformation that left us both in awe.

In March of this year, Mick decided to recommit to his fitness and wellness goals. However, like many of us, he faced the challenge of staying consistent. Life's demands often have a way of interrupting our routines, and Mick was no exception. But here's where the magic happened—Mick didn't give up!

In May, Mick made a steadfast decision to jump back into our coaching sessions with unwavering determination. He made the investment in himself which was important! He understood that consistency was the key to unlocking his potential, and he was ready to take action.


Discovering the Power of Consistency

I must say, witnessing Mick's journey to consistency has been truly inspiring. Week after week, he showed up to our sessions with a smile on his face and a determination in his heart. Whether it was a Monday morning call or a 1-on-1 training session at the O-Zone gym, Mick was always ready to give his best. Oh, he complained a little bit, but that is Mick’s personality. He is fun to train and always provides a laugh and a smile.

And guess what? His consistency paid off big time! In just about 6 weeks, Mick achieved something remarkable—he shed an astounding 12 pounds! His progress was evident not only on the scale but also in the newfound confidence and vitality he exuded.


The Game-Changing Shift: Mindset is Everything

As we continued our coaching journey, Mick's attitude toward his health and wellness evolved significantly. It's true what they say—mindset is everything! Mick learned that success begins with the belief in oneself and the willingness to put in the effort.

Together, we delved into the power of mindset—how a positive outlook can lead to better food choices, smarter workout planning, and ultimately, a more balanced lifestyle. Mick embraced the idea that every day was an opportunity to make progress, and he adopted a growth-oriented mindset that kept him motivated and focused.

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Consistency and Attitude: Mick's Best Success Tools

Through Mick's journey, one thing became abundantly clear—consistency and attitude are the best tools for success. Every small step he took, every healthy choice he made, and every time he showed up for himself, Mick moved closer to his goals.

Mick's dedication and willingness to face challenges head-on have inspired me as a coach. His commitment to the process, rather than perfection, serves as a reminder that progress is about the journey, not just the destination.

A Note from Mick

"Working with my incredible coach has truly been life-changing. She helped me rediscover the power of consistency, and together, we transformed my mindset toward wellness. I've seen phenomenal results, and I'm grateful for Kathie’s unwavering support. This journey isn't just about physical changes; it's about embracing a healthier, happier way of living."


Mick's journey serves as a testament to the power of consistency, mindset, and unwavering determination to achieve one's goals. As a coach, nothing brings me more joy than witnessing my clients flourish and embrace positive change.

If you find yourself seeking a transformation, remember Mick's story. Embrace consistency, cultivate a positive mindset, and believe in yourself—you, too, can achieve phenomenal results and embark on an extraordinary journey toward a healthier, happier you!

Stay motivated, stay committed, and remember, your journey starts with that very first step.

To your success,

Kathie Your Dedicated Coach 🌟💪


Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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