Levels of Consciousness Explained 2023

Article Summary

Today’s article is all about one of my most popular topics on my YouTube Channel and that is the Levels of Consciousness from the book Power Vs. Force. I discuss in detail each level and it what it might mean.

Did you know that just by listening to this episode you can raise your level of consciousness? That’s why I recommend listening to it often. I hope you enjoy today’s episode. You can either watch the video or listen to the podcast episode all linked below.

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A brief summary of the Levels of Consciousness

Power vs. Force is a concept developed by David Hawkins, a spiritual teacher and author, in his book of the same name. In the book, Hawkins proposes a scale of consciousness that ranges from 0 to 1000, with each level corresponding to a particular state of consciousness. According to Hawkins, the levels of consciousness on this scale are as follows:

  1. Shame (20)

  2. Guilt (30)

  3. Apathy (50)

  4. Grief (75)

  5. Fear (100)

  6. Desire (125)

  7. Anger (150)

  8. Pride (175)

  9. Courage (200)

  10. Neutrality (250)

  11. Willingness (310)

  12. Acceptance (350)

  13. Reason (400)

  14. Love (500)

  15. Joy (540)

  16. Peace (600)

  17. Enlightenment (700)

Hawkins' scale is based on the idea that certain states of consciousness are more "evolved" or "advanced" than others, and that individuals can work to increase their level of consciousness by moving up the scale. The higher levels of consciousness are characterized by greater levels of positivity, openness, and understanding, while the lower levels are marked by negative emotions, closed-mindedness, and a lack of understanding. According to Hawkins, the key to increasing one's level of consciousness is to work on releasing negative emotions and beliefs, and to cultivate positive ones in their place.

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Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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