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Outwitting the Devil and Other People’s Thoughts

Article Summary*

Continuing our review of Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. Today we discuss other people’s thoughts. How to escape that and more!

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Propaganda is any device, plan, or method by which people can be influenced without knowing that they are being influenced or the source of the influence. 

How often do we encounter propaganda and let it draw us into fear? It is so EASY to do in today's world.

I often compare propaganda to pendulums in Reality Transurfing. A pendulum is simply a thought that everyone else is thinking and only wants your energy.

Reality Transurfing and Pendulums

Examples of pendulums are:

  • political parties

  • sports teams

  • places you work

  • the news

  • social media

  • celebrities

  • people

  • religions

Pendulums are not "bad". They can become "bad" when they get your energy and drain you.

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Find Faith 

Let's talk about how to counteract propaganda and what we can do to find FAITH over FEAR!

From the book:

"I mix propaganda with the news of the world. I have it taught in public and private schools. I see that it finds its way into the pulpit.

I color-moving pictures with it. I see that it enters every home where there is a radio. I inject it into billboards, newspapers, and radio advertising.

I spread it in every place of business where people work.

I use it to fill the divorce courts and I make it serve to destroy business and industry.


It is my chief instrument for starting runs on banks. My propagandists cover the world so thoroughly that I can start epidemics of disease, turn loose the dogs of war, or throw a business into a panic at will.

Q If you can do all that you claim with propaganda, it is little wonder that we have wars and business depressions. Give me a simple description of what you mean by the term “propaganda.” Just what is it and how does it work? I wish to know particularly how you cause people to drift through the use of this devilish device.

Propaganda is any device, plan, or method by which people can be influenced without knowing that they are being influenced or the source of the influence.

Propaganda is used in business for the purpose of discouraging competition. Employers use it to gain an advantage over their employees. The employees retaliate by using it to gain an advantage over their employers.

In fact, it is used so universally and through such a smooth and beautiful streamlined technique that it looks harmless even when it is detected.

Q I suppose some of your boys are now engaged in preparing the minds of the American people to drift into some form of dictatorship. Tell me how they work.

A Yes! Millions of my boys are preparing Americans to become Hitlerized. My best boys are working through politics and labor organizations. We intend to take over the country with ballots instead of bullets. Americans are so sensitive they would never stand the shock of seeing their form of government changed with the aid of machine guns and tank cars.

So our propaganda boys are serving them a diet they will swallow, by stirring up strife between employers and employees and turning the government against business and industry.

When propaganda has done its work thoroughly, one of my boys will move in as dictator and the Nine Old Men on your Supreme Court with their silly notions of the Constitution will move out!

Everyone will be given a job or fed from the government treasury. When men’s bellies are filled, they drift freely with one who does the filling. Hungry men get out from under control.

In 1938, one of the Devil’s tools for “Hitlerizing” America was “turning the government against business and industry” and feeding the populace from the government treasury.

 Is that still the case today? Is the Devil succeeding? Were Napoleon Hill to interview the Devil today, the Devil might well gloat over the so-called “entitlement” programs now in place or proposed and crow over the government’s increasing involvement in independent businesses, such as the automotive and financial industries. -Sharon Lechter

Q I have often wondered who invented the clever trick which you call propaganda. From what you tell me of its source and nature I understand why it is so deadly. Only one as clever as Your Majesty could have invented such a device with which to dull the reason, dethrone the will, and lure men into drifting. Why do you not use your powerful propaganda to gain control of your victims instead of subduing them through fear and annihilating them through warfare?

A. What is fear of the Devil except propaganda? You have not observed my technique very carefully or you would have seen that I am the world’s greatest propagandist!

I never attain an end by direct, open means which I can achieve through subterfuge and subtlety.

What do you suppose I am using, when I plant negative ideas in the minds of men and gain control of them through what they believe to be their own ideas? What would you call that except the cleverest of all forms of propaganda?

Q Surely you are not going to tell me that you destroy people through their own help without their realizing what you are doing?

A. That is exactly what I wish you to understand. Moreover, I will show you exactly how the trick is performed.

Q Now we are getting somewhere. Exactly how do you convert human beings into propagandists and lure them into self-imprisonment? Give me the story with all its lurid details.

This is the most important part of your confession and I am consumed with eagerness to gain control of your secret.

I can hardly blame you for stalling about answering my question because you know so well that your answer will snatch millions of innocent victims from your control. You also know that your answer will protect countless millions of yet unborn people from being victimized by you.

It is little wonder you are hedging about answering.

A. Your deductions are correct. This part of my confession will do me more damage than all the remainder of it.

Q Stating your headache in a better way, this part of your confession will save more millions of people from your control than all the remainder of it.

A. All I can say is that you have me in a hell of a situation!

Q Now you shall know how the millions of your victims feel. Let’s have it.

A. I make my first entry into an individual’s mind by bribing him.

Q What do you use as a bribe?

A. I use many things, all of them pleasant things the individual covets. I use the same sort of bribes that individuals use when they bribe one another. That is, I use for bribes the things people most want. My best bribes are these:

  • Love

  • The thirst for sex expression

  • Covetousness for money

  • The obsessive desire to gain something for nothing—gambling

  • Vanity in women, egotism in men

  • Desire to be the master of others

  • Desire for intoxicants and narcotics

  • Desire for self-expression through words and deeds

  • Desire to imitate others

  • Desire for perpetuation of life after death

  • Desire to be a hero or heroine

  • Desire for physical food

Q. That is an imposing list of bribes, Your Majesty. Do you use others?

A. Yes, plenty of them, but these are my favorites. Through some combination of them, I can enter the mind of any human being at will at any age from birth until death.

Q. You mean that these bribes are the keys with which you can silently unlock the door to any mind you choose?

A. That is exactly what I mean and I can do it too.

Q What happens when you enter the mind of a person who is not yet in the habit of drifting, but belongs in the 98 percent class as a potential drifter?

A. I go to work immediately to occupy as much of that person’s mind as I can master. If the individual’s greatest weakness is the desire for money, I begin to dangle coins before him, figuratively speaking. I intensify his desire and induce him to go after money. Then when he gets near it I snatch it away from him. This is an old trick of mine. After the trick has been repeated a few times, the poor fellow gives in and quits. Then I take over a little more space in his mind and fill it with the fear of poverty. That is one of my best mind-fillers.

Q Yes, I admit your method is very clever, but what happens if the victim fools you and gets his hands on a lot of money? You don’t fill his mind with fear of poverty then, do you?

A. No, I don’t. I take over the space by filling it with something which serves my purpose just as well. If my victim converts his desire for money into large sums, I start over-feeding him with the things he can buy with it.

For example, I cause him to stuff himself with rich foods. This slows down his thinking capacity, endangers his heart, and starts him on the road to drifting. Then I pester him with intestinal poisoning through the surplus food he eats. That also slows down his thinking and gives him a nasty disposition. 

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