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Reality Transurfing and Encouragement

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Today’s article is a Reality Transurfing quote and discussion about encouragement. When you encourage someone you help them in a favorable direction and your interests become one. You then end up encouraging yourself.

Joseph Rodrigues has been coaching that everyone is their ideal now. I learned that encouraging others to be their ideal now you find so many positive things can and will happen. Listen to stories that Kathie shares about her experience with this as a personal trainer and her day-to-day life.

If you know someone who can benefit from this article please share it with them. Enjoy!

"When you encourage a person, no matter what, you urge them in a favorable direction without making them lose the flow or undermining their innermost hopes. When you encourage someone nobody’s rights are impinged upon and nobody’s pride is knocked. Your interests become one and their desires run parallel to your own." -Reality Transurfing I-V

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Reality Transurfing and Encouragement

As always I find motivation with inspirational quotes from Reality Transurfing. Encouragement is a powerful tool that can change someone's life in an excellent way. It is a simple act that can make a significant impact, and it is not limited to just words of praise or compliments. Encouragement is the act of urging someone in a favorable direction without making them lose their flow or undermining their innermost hopes. This quote from Reality Transurfing I-V highlights the importance of encouragement and how it can benefit both the encourager and the person being encouraged.

I also liked this quote from the book The Science of Likability by Patrick King

"Pay attention, especially to compliments you can pay in recognizing something that someone has put effort into. This shows an extra layer of thought and care"

This quote describes the right mindset for today. That extra layer of thought and care can be a very good reason to add encouragement and add great things to your life and someone else's.

Story about neighbor falling.

The act of encouragement involves supporting and motivating someone to achieve their goals or overcome their challenges. It is not just about telling someone they are doing a good job, but also about providing constructive feedback and helping them to see their potential. Encouragement helps to build confidence, increase motivation, and promote positive attitudes toward achieving goals.

One of the most significant benefits of encouragement is that it does not impinge on anyone's rights or knock anyone's pride. Encouragement is about lifting someone up, not tearing them down. It is about promoting positive growth and development, rather than belittling someone's efforts or accomplishments. When we encourage someone, we are creating a positive atmosphere where they can feel supported, empowered, and motivated to succeed. I would say that this is one of the good things about encouragement. It is a positive attitude mindset.

Encouragement also creates a sense of camaraderie and unity. When we encourage someone, we are expressing our interest in their success and their desires become parallel to our own. We become invested in their goals and dreams, and we are willing to offer our support to help them achieve those goals. This creates a sense of shared purpose and helps to build strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Encouragement is a great starting point in changing relationships.

Tell the story about fitness and changing lives. Specifically not taking anxiety medication.

Furthermore, encouragement is not limited to one particular area of life. It can be applied in many different contexts, including personal relationships, education, and the workplace. Encouragement can help to foster a positive and productive work environment, leading to increased job satisfaction and improved performance. It can become one of your new strategies to transform your own business.

The Power of Yet

I like the concept of the "power of yet" and it can be a great way to encourage others. The phrase "power of yet" refers to the belief that although you may not have achieved a goal or mastered a skill yet, with effort and perseverance, you can achieve it in the future. This mindset can be very powerful because it focuses on growth, improvement, and the potential for success. Simply get out of your comfort zone and try new things, get new skills, and create real-life adventures.

The power of yet is particularly relevant in the context of learning and education. When faced with a challenging subject or task, it can be easy to feel discouraged and believe that you will never be able to master it. However, by adopting the power of yet mindset, you can shift your focus from the current limitations to the potential for future growth and success. This can be particularly helpful for students who are struggling with a particular subject or skill, as it can help them maintain motivation and perseverance. The power of yet can be one of the positive ways to help student success!

The power of yet can also be useful in other areas of life, such as career development, relationships, and personal growth. By recognizing that you may not have achieved your goals or reached your full potential yet, but that you have the potential to do so with effort and perseverance, you can maintain a positive and growth-oriented mindset. I would say this is one of your new ways to reach those big goals!

Ultimately, the power of yet is about embracing the journey of growth and development, rather than focusing solely on the end goal. It is a mindset that can help you overcome challenges, maintain motivation, and achieve your full potential.

Carol Dweck and Encouragement

I also like the way Carol Dweck discusses encouragement and mindset. In fact, I think she played a big role in the concept of a growth mindset. Carol Dweck is a renowned psychologist and researcher who has extensively studied the impact of mindset on learning and achievement. She has written extensively on the power of encouragement and how it can impact one's mindset. Her work expresses the important thing of positive mindsets and the idea of a growth mindset.

According to Dweck, there are two types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, individuals believe that their abilities and intelligence are fixed and cannot be changed. This can lead to a fear of failure and a lack of motivation to take on new challenges. In contrast, in a growth mindset, individuals believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and hard work. This leads to a desire to take on new challenges and a willingness to learn from mistakes and failures. Great accomplishments are made during hard times. And then ask yourself later was that really a hard thing?

Dweck argues that encouragement can be a powerful tool in promoting a growth mindset. When individuals are encouraged for their effort and hard work, rather than just their innate abilities or intelligence, they are more likely to adopt a growth mindset. The encouragement that focuses on the process rather than the outcome can help individuals to develop a love of learning, a desire to take on challenges, and a belief that they can improve their abilities. To me, that is an actual encouragement card process that will win every single time.

Dweck also stresses the importance of giving constructive feedback that promotes growth and development. Rather than just offering praise or criticism, feedback should focus on how individuals can improve and develop their skills. This helps to reinforce the belief that abilities can be developed through effort and hard work.

Overall, Dweck's research highlights the importance of encouragement in promoting a growth mindset. The encouragement that focuses on effort and hard work can help individuals to develop a love of learning and a belief in their ability to improve their skills and abilities. By fostering a growth mindset through encouragement and feedback, individuals can achieve greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

10 Tips on Encouragement

Encouraging others can be a powerful way to uplift and motivate those around you. Here are 10 tips on how to encourage others:

#1. Listen Actively

One of the most powerful ways to encourage someone is to actively listen to them. Show genuine interest in what they are saying, ask questions, and acknowledge their feelings.

Active listening is an important skill in many aspects of life, including personal relationships, professional settings, and conflict resolution. By actively listening, you can improve your communication skills, build stronger relationships, and foster a greater sense of understanding and empathy.

In his book Make Yourself Unforgettable Dale Carnegie says this about active listening,

"In the end, the secret to effective listening is nothing more than basic respect for another person. You’re listening, not judging. To the extent that you are nonjudgmental, people will be willing to talk candidly with you. And if they won’t talk candidly, they might as well not talk at all. If what you hear triggers an emotional response in you, accept full responsibility for your reactions. Remaining composed even when you feel your buttons are being pushed is a powerful expression of real class." 

#2. Show Empathy

When someone is going through a difficult time, showing empathy can help them feel understood and supported. Try to put yourself in their shoes and imagine how they are feeling. Showing empathy involves being present, understanding, and accepting of the person's emotions.

By demonstrating empathy, you can build stronger relationships, foster greater understanding, and create a more compassionate and supportive environment.

#3. Offer Sincere Praise

Offer sincere praise and compliments when someone does something well. Recognize their achievements and let them know that their efforts are appreciated. One of the great ways to acknowledge someone's success is to provide positive feedback. Encouraging words are always a great introduction to creating positive habits in young children. When you catch them doing something you appreciate try to acknowledge it quickly and positively.

#4. Offer Constructive Feedback

When someone is struggling, offer constructive feedback to help them improve. Be specific, but also offer solutions and support. Remember that the right way to offer constructive feedback is only when someone is in a place to receive it. Often times our feedback is not welcome because we offer it at the wrong time. I like to think of it as a feedback sandwich. Offer positive feedback aka the first slice of bread. Then offer constructive feedback aka the meat. Then offer more positive feedback aka top it off with the other piece of bread.

#5, Provide Support

Offer your support in practical ways, such as helping with tasks or offering to be a listening ear. Let them know that you are there for them.

#6. Be Genuine

Authenticity is key when encouraging others. Be sincere in your words and actions, and avoid empty compliments or false praise.

#7. Be Patient

Sometimes, change and progress take time. Encourage others to keep going, even when the road ahead seems long and difficult.

#8. Offer Perspective

When someone is feeling stuck or overwhelmed, offer a different perspective. Help them see the bigger picture and the potential for positive outcomes.

Be careful though. sometimes your perspective is unwanted and the other person is not ready for it. Toxic positivity girl is an example of this. During the race situation, she argued with me about anger and pride (the lower levels of consciousness) I offered her a perspective of listening to Abraham Hicks (the higher levels of consciousness) instead of getting angry. She quickly shot my perspective down because she thought Abraham Hicks was a “white person.” Read more articles on toxic positivity and my thoughts on it here!

#9 Believe in the Other Person

Let others know that you believe in their abilities and potential. Encourage them to pursue their dreams and goals, even if they seem challenging.

#10. Celebrate Success

When someone achieves a goal or overcomes a challenge, celebrate their success with them. Acknowledge their hard work and congratulate them on their achievement.


In conclusion, encouragement is a powerful tool that can change lives. It is about urging someone in a favorable direction without undermining their innermost hopes or knocking their pride. Encouragement creates a sense of unity, shared purpose, and mutual respect, leading to positive growth and development. So, if you have the opportunity to encourage someone today, take it, and watch the positive impact it can have on both of you.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me. I trust that you found today’s article helpful. If you know someone who can benefit from this please share it with them.

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