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Shielding Your Energy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Stop Absorbing Other People's Energy

Are you feeling emotionally drained, overwhelmed, or easily influenced by the energy of those around you?

It might be time to learn how to shield your energy and stop absorbing other people's negative vibes. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore effective techniques to protect your energetic boundaries and maintain your well-being.

Understanding how energy works and how it can affect us is the first step in reclaiming our power. By implementing simple but powerful practices, we can shield ourselves from the energy that doesn't serve us. From visualizations and grounding exercises to setting intention and using protective crystals, we will walk you through each method.

Whether you're an empath, a highly sensitive person, or simply looking to create more positive energy in your life, this guide will equip you with the necessary tools to protect yourself and maintain your energetic balance. By taking control of your energy, you can foster a sense of peace and harmony in your interactions with others.

Don't let the world drain your energy. It's time to shield yourself and create a space of positive vibrations and personal power. Let's get started on this transformative journey together.

The impact of absorbing other people's energy

Energy is all around us, and as human beings, we are constantly exchanging energy with our environment and the people we interact with. However, sometimes we find ourselves absorbing the energy of others, especially when it is negative or overwhelming. This can leave us feeling depleted, anxious, and out of balance.

When we absorb other people's energy, we take on their emotions, thoughts, and even physical sensations. It's as if we become a sponge, soaking up everything that is not our own. This can be particularly challenging for empaths and highly sensitive individuals who are naturally more attuned to the emotions and energies of those around them.

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Signs that you are absorbing other people's energy

Absorbing other people's energy can have a significant impact on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When we constantly take on the negative energy of others, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and even depression. It can also affect our ability to focus, make decisions, and maintain healthy relationships.

Additionally, absorbing other people's energy can disrupt our energy flow and prevent us from accessing our power and intuition. We may find ourselves constantly seeking validation from others or feeling drained after spending time with certain individuals. This can create a cycle of negativity and prevent us from living our lives authentically.

Why it's important to shield your energy

Recognizing the signs that you are absorbing other people's energy is the first step in addressing the issue. Some common signs include:

  1. Feeling drained or exhausted after spending time with certain people.

  2. Experiencing sudden shifts in mood or emotions that do not align with your own experiences.

  3. Feeling overwhelmed in crowded or chaotic environments.

  4. Taking on physical symptoms or sensations that are not your own.

  5. Having difficulty setting and maintaining boundaries with others. If any of these signs resonate with you, you are likely absorbing other people's energy. The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect yourself and regain control of your energy.

Step-by-step guide to stop absorbing other people's energy

Protecting your energy and preventing the absorption of other people's energy is crucial for your overall well-being. By shielding yourself, you create a barrier between yourself and the external energies that can negatively impact you. This allows you to stay centered and focused, and maintain your sense of self.

When you shield your energy, you are essentially creating a protective bubble around yourself that filters out the energy that doesn't serve you. This helps you maintain your energetic boundaries and prevents you from being overwhelmed or influenced by others. It also allows you to cultivate positive energy and attract experiences that align with your highest good.

Grounding Techniques to Protect Your Energy

Grounding is a powerful technique that can help you connect with the Earth's energy and create a sense of stability and balance. By grounding yourself, you anchor your energy and prevent it from being easily influenced by external factors. One effective grounding technique is to visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the Earth. Imagine these roots extending down into the core of the Earth, grounding you and providing a strong foundation. You can also practice grounding by walking barefoot on grass or soil, spending time in nature, or using grounding crystals such as hematite or black tourmaline.

Setting Boundaries to Prevent Energy Absorption

Setting clear and healthy boundaries is essential when it comes to protecting your energy. Boundaries act as energetic barriers that define what is acceptable and what is not in your interactions with others. Without boundaries, it becomes easier for other people's energy to seep into your own.

To set boundaries, you must first identify your own needs, values, and limits. Reflect on what makes you feel comfortable and what drains your energy. Once you have a clear understanding of your boundaries, communicate them assertively and respectfully with others. Remember that setting boundaries is not selfish; it is an act of self-care and self-respect.

Practicing Self-Care to Maintain Your Energy Levels

Self-care is a vital aspect of maintaining your energy levels and preventing energy absorption. By prioritizing self-care, you create a solid foundation of well-being that allows you to better withstand the negative energies of others. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or spending time in nature. Make sure to get enough rest, eat nutritious foods, and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember that self-care is not selfish; it is a necessary practice that allows you to show up fully in your own life.

Surrounding Yourself with Positive Energy

Surrounding yourself with positive energy is another effective way to shield yourself from absorbing other people's negative vibes. Cultivate a positive support system of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you. Spend time with people who radiate positive energy, engage in activities that bring you joy, and create a sacred space in your home that promotes relaxation and positivity.

You can also use crystals and essential oils to create a positive energetic environment. Crystals such as clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst can help absorb and transmute negative energy, while essential oils like lavender and citrus can promote relaxation and uplift your mood.

Setting boundaries to prevent energy absorption

Shielding your energy and preventing the absorption of other people's energy is a transformative journey that requires self-awareness, practice, and intention. By implementing the techniques outlined in this guide, you can reclaim your power, maintain your energetic balance, and create a space of positive vibrations and personal power.

Remember that you can choose the energy you allow into your life. By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and surrounding yourself with positive energy, you can shield yourself from the energy that doesn't serve you and create a life filled with peace, harmony, and authenticity.

So, take the first step today and begin the process of shielding your energy. Embrace your energy and find the balance you deserve. You have the power to create a life filled with positivity and personal empowerment.

Practicing self-care to maintain your energy levels

Setting boundaries is crucial when it comes to protecting your energy from being absorbed by others. Without clear boundaries, it becomes easy for external energies to seep into your energetic field. Here are some steps you can take to establish and maintain healthy boundaries:

  1. Identify your triggers Understanding what triggers your energy absorption is key to setting boundaries. Reflect on situations or people that consistently drain your energy. By recognizing these triggers, you can proactively protect yourself from absorbing negative energy.

  2. Practice assertiveness Assertiveness is an essential skill in setting and maintaining boundaries. Learn to communicate your needs and limits clearly and respectfully. Let others know when they are crossing your energetic boundaries and express how their behavior affects you.

  3. Say no without guilt It's important to learn how to say no without feeling guilty. Remember that your energy is precious and you have the right to protect it. Prioritize your well-being and don't be afraid to decline requests or invitations that would compromise your energetic balance. Setting boundaries is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and practice. By implementing these techniques, you can create a strong energetic shield around yourself, preventing external energies from draining your own.

Surrounding yourself with positive energy

Self-care plays a vital role in maintaining your energy levels and preventing energy absorption. When you prioritize your well-being, you strengthen your energetic boundaries and create a solid foundation for shielding your energy. Here are some self-care practices to incorporate into your routine:

  1. Nurture your body and mind: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This could include exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Find what nourishes your body and mind and make it a priority in your daily life.

  2. Set aside alone time: Carve out dedicated alone time to recharge and replenish your energy. Use this time to engage in activities that help you reconnect with yourself, such as reading, taking a bath, or practicing mindfulness. Alone time allows you to reset and release any energy you may have absorbed from others.

  3. Practice energy-clearing techniques: Regularly clear your energy field to release any accumulated negative energy. This can be done through various techniques such as smudging with sage, using sound healing tools like singing bowls or tuning forks, or taking a salt bath. Experiment with different methods and find what resonates with you.

By prioritizing self-care, you create a strong foundation for maintaining your energy levels and preventing energy absorption. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, but rather a necessary step in protecting your energy and overall well-being.

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Conclusion: Embracing your own energy and finding balance

Surrounding yourself with positive energy is another powerful way to shield yourself from absorbing negativity. When you intentionally cultivate positive vibrations in your environment, you create a natural barrier against external energies that don't serve your highest good. Here are some strategies to surround yourself with positive energy:

  1. Create a sacred space: Designate a specific area in your home as a sacred space where you can retreat and recharge. Decorate it with objects that inspire and uplift you, such as crystals, plants, or meaningful artwork. This space will act as a sanctuary, shielding you from external negativity.

  2. Choose your company wisely: Spend time with people who radiate positivity and support your energetic well-being. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Limit your exposure to toxic relationships or environments that drain your energy.

  3. Engage in activities that raise your vibration: Seek out activities that bring you joy and raise your energetic frequency. This could include dancing, listening to uplifting music, practicing gratitude, or engaging in creative pursuits. When you actively participate in activities that elevate your vibration, you create a positive energetic shield.

By consciously surrounding yourself with positive energy, you create a powerful shield against absorbing negativity. Remember, you have the power to choose the energy you allow into your life. Embrace positivity and watch as it transforms your energetic state.

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Who am I to explain this?

I received a clinical diagnosis of Complex PTSD in 2006. This came after years of chronic abuse from someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. BTW we ALL have narcissistic tendencies. I spent many years in counseling and study human behavior on an extensive basis. Today I am a survivor of my diagnosis. I teach others that we are not victims of our circumstances.

As a coach, entrepreneur, or just being human in general, there are going to be times when you need to be careful of others around you. Absorbing other people’s emotions is a real thing. Today I am going to discuss the ways that worked for me when it came to dealing with other’s negative emotions.

These skills come from years of study and analysis of human behavior. I also teach others how to find success using Reality Transurfing© principles.

What does Reality Transurfing say about absorbing other people’s energy? Reality Transurfing is a book written by Russian Quantum physicist Vadim Zeland. The book is full of great ideas and concepts for creating a reality that you love. It is also full of topics on how to deal with other people's energy. Take a deep breath and let's discuss.


One of the best concepts in Reality Transurfing for dealing with other people's emotions is a pendulum. A pendulum is simply a thought structure that everyone thinks and it only wants your energy.

Easy examples of pendulums are sports teams. Imagine this, you are at a stadium watching a huge sporting event. All of a sudden the home team scores. The entire stadium erupts into huge cheers. And you do too, you can't help but get caught up in the excitement of that energy field.

Then the next thing you know the famous team member makes a huge mistake. It is detrimental to the entire game. The whole stadium erupts into a yelling match. You can feel the negative energy in the air. The poor guy, simply made a human mistake, and now everyone hates him.

What happened in that stadium is a pendulum prod. As I said a pendulum is simply a thought structure that everyone thinks and it only wants your energy. A pendulum is like an energy vampire. And if you are not careful it will suck your energy dry.

Energy vampires are everywhere! They rely on the emotions of others to get you pulled into their sway. Vadim Zeland says it himself in the book, "a pendulum's favorite dish is dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment." So how does one learn how to stop absorbing this lack of fulfillment and dissatisfaction? Also known as emotional energy, feelings of others, and emotional experiences.

Well, today I am going to answer that question.

Identify Negative or Destructive Pendulums

The first step is to identify the negative pendulums in your life. Remember these negative pendulums can be other people's feelings, an emotional experience, and even social anxiety, Since pendulums are everywhere you must realize which ones are destructive and which ones are constructive for you and your energy levels.

For example, the gal who works at CNN news has a constructive pendulum of negative news. That is her job, that is what she works on every single day and she thrives on it. I, on the other hand, would identify that news pendulum also known as negative energy as destructive. Why? Because that negative news causes me to feel other people's emotions that I do not want to feel and causes me to give up my own energy as a result.

Here are 12 simple tips you can take to protect yourself from destructive pendulums, aka other people's stress, emotions of people, and energy vampires.

  1. Set clear healthy boundaries.

Boundaries are one of the best ways to protect yourself from an emotional sponge, an energy vampire, or a suspected source of negative energy. Often times what happens is we let our guard down and we let someone come in a drain our energy and then we are left unprotected and drained.

By having boundaries you are able to say no. No is a complete sentence. I get it, this can be difficult. But let me add this "it can be difficult at first."  Sometimes changing boundary patterns with friends and family is a retraining process, but being consistent with setting a kind but firm boundary will protect you from energy vampires. It just takes consistent practice and action.

2. Ground yourself in nature.

Simply taking a 5-minute walk in nature can be a great way to bring yourself back into flow or away from negative energies.

Oftentimes we need to heal and release and being in a fresh, clean, green environment or around water clears negativity. The Earth emanates healing. Try going barefoot and feeling the earth’s power through your feet.

To shed other people’s energies, feel the grass between your bare toes, and walk in the sand or the soil. Feel the nurturing medicine of the earth coming through your feet to ground you. It can be a beautiful feeling and can release positive energy and positive emotions.

3. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the human ability to ‘tune in’ to the moment. A mindful person is fully present, fully aware, and fully connected with themself.

A few key mindfulness tactics include touching objects with a unique texture, looking at and naming the colors around you, and taking deep breaths. By focusing more on the experience of the moment, you can keep others’ energy separate and deflect their negative emotions.

4. Meditate.

Meditation can be a very personal experience for highly sensitive people. But meditation is not always the same for everyone. You do not have to sit on a pillow and stare at the clouds to actually get the benefits of meditation.

Personally, I meditate while walking or while exercising at the gym. Meditation allows you to look inwards and observe your emotions from a distance, providing much-needed relief when you pick up someone else’s energies. Observing your emotions from a distance is a great way to stop the pendulum prod and release yourself from other people's stress.

Breathe deeply and imagine all the negative feelings leaving your body and replace these dark thoughts with clarity and positivity.

5. Protect your space.

Life in the outside world can be tough. Heck, life in the world of the internet can be tough. We easily become vulnerable to the mix of emotions as we jostle through crowds and we can be overwhelmed by the many different pendulums vying for our attention and energy.

Once you get home, it might not be any better. You might be living with a lot of people and you can’t avoid being bombarded by emotions. If you’re someone struggling to find peace, the first step is to create a quiet, comfortable, and calming space for yourself where you can recharge. Fill your space with art, plants, and calming scents so your energy can recuperate.

It doesn’t have to be a bedroom; your safe space can easily be a bathroom or a closet. Just make sure it’s somewhere you can have time alone to stay away from the chaos of your phone, the television, or other people.

I really like how these two books talk about protecting your space. Psycho-Cybernetics and Innercise.

6. Use humor.

Humor is one of the quickest and best ways to stop a pendulum's sway. Think about it for a moment. In the above example of the sporting event, how could we use humor to release the pendulum prod? We could laugh at how silly we are behaving at an event we personally have no control over. We could also laugh at how excited we got over the victorious score and how quickly that changed in a heartbeat.

Once you really understand how a pendulum operates in your life you can use humor often! Laugh at how silly you must look to an alien who has no understanding of the game whatsoever.

7. Mental Diet.

A mental diet is a habit of refusing to entertain any negative thoughts. A mental diet is one of the best life strategies you have to combat attracting other people's negative energies.

As soon as you notice inner thoughts telling a negative story, you immediately release them. Like a regular diet, mental diets require discipline and attention, and they’re best done in short stints, which can help to kickstart you into a new way of thinking as a lifestyle.

While it is very simple, it also can be quite challenging. In fact, most teachers tell us that if you encounter difficulty you are doing it right. However, it is also recommended that if it gets too overwhelming just stop and try again a few weeks later.

A mental diet is the best way I know to identify negative thinking patterns. Notice I said, "identify." This does not mean repressing or suppressing them. Once you identify them you can re-write them using the Pruning Shears of Revision.

8. Monitor your self-talk.

We are not spared from the critical, inner voice that makes catty remarks inside our heads. As an entrepreneur we run a risk that we will continuously criticize ourselves - you know, that overzealous imposter syndrome sets in. You are only a single person in this great big world.

The best way to fight these nasty voices is to practice self-compassion. Become constantly aware if and when you are suffering so you can acknowledge how you feel and respond appropriately. Cultivate self-forgiveness. No one is perfect and we really need to know that’s okay.

9. Repeat mantras to yourself.

Mantras or positive affirmations can help us navigate away from negativity and back to a more centered place. Some examples of mantras could be “Return to sender” or “I release any emotion that isn’t mine”.

It’s better to not use a negative statement like “I don’t feel anyone’s emotions.”

You can also say something like “I am focused on my emotions and I am setting aside everyone else’s.” Affirmations can be a part of your meditation or they can be used when you slip into someone’s negative feelings.

10. Let go of expectations.

Expectations are a funny thing. We expect to win, succeed, or get that family member to act in a certain way. But life is not fair. Bad things happen.

When we reduce expectations things shift. Notice I did not say totally release them. Why? Because expectations are important. We must expect certain things along this journey. We are not yet at the destination.

To enjoy the journey just as much as the destination we must realize that some expectations are not going to be met. Let it go and pick up from where you left off, and enjoy the journey.

11. Identify what drains you and what energizes you.

Not all pendulums are bad. Remember how I said the gal who works at CNN is constructively motivated by the news and I am destructively motivated by the news?

Well, when you identify which pendulums hurt you it makes it so much easier to stop absorbing other people's feelings and emotions. When you catch yourself paying attention to a destructive pendulum you walk away, observe it with humor, or step into your protective zone for a moment. Many times this is all that is needed to stop the pendulum's sway and return to your true feelings and your true power.

12. Find a healthy way to release emotions.

Healing takes place in the mind, body, and soul.

The mind needs to process emotions rationally, it needs to understand. Journalling is an excellent way to release emotions in the mind.

The entire body processes emotions physically. If we do not release emotions physically we may endure physical symptoms of pain and physical discomfort. Exercise, punching a pillow, or just taking a quick walk around the block are great ways to process emotions physically.

Another thing I enjoy doing for a physical cleanse is taking Epsom salt baths. This helps you release toxins and is a handy form of protection from other people's energy and pendulums.

As for the soul, it is all about connecting with your solar plexus, your envelope of white light, and/or your higher being. Take some alone time to process those emotions, meditate, and find your inner light. And know that there are infinite solutions to every emotional problem and unresolved issues.


So the next time you feel toxic energy from another person's emotions ask yourself, Is this a destructive pendulum stealing my energy? Am I wasting a lot of time on this stressful situation? Create strong connections with constructive pendulums. Create your own system to help you find the important things in life.

Perhaps you need a mental diet, to exercise, meditate, or watch a funny movie. These types of emotional boundaries will serve and protect you the next time you feel yourself absorbing other people's energy.

I hope this helps. Thank you for spending part of your day with me. If you know someone who can benefit from this please share it with them. You can use the simple share buttons to the side.

Have a great day! Until next time, I’ll see you next time! Peace out and Namaste!

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