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10 Steps to Building Long-Term Fitness Goals

I attended church camp as a child every summer on Lake Travis near Austin, Texas. We would drive the 4 hours to Austin in the church van. One year, my preacher Mr. Parsons was driving us to camp. Once we got out of the city of Houston and into the country Mr. Parsons started doing the oddest thing. He had his hands out-reached as long as they would go and he was wiggling his fingers.

Someone asked him, "What are you doing? You look so funny." Mr. Parsons did not flinch. Instead, he answered with the voice of Yoda, "I'm feeling the trees."

When it comes to building goals I want you to remember this because that is exactly how I want you to picture your goals! I want you to feel them!

Definite Cheif Aim

When Napoleon Hill talks about creating a definite chief aim he mentions feeling those goals on a regular basis. Just like Mr. Parsons feels the trees. Use your imagination and feel those long-term goals come to life.

I have been a personal trainer for 20-plus years now. When it comes to goals and goal setting I see so many fall short and there are many reasons why this happens. And honestly, it's not your fault if you struggle with setting goals and actually achieving them.

Let's focus on habits. Why? Because our brains operate on habits. I have found if I can get my clients and friends to establish healthy habits and identify bad habits that hold them back my job is 99% complete. Once we establish healthy habits then and only then can I give them concrete fitness tips to help them achieve their goals.

But habits are delicate. Our brains do not know the difference between a good habit and a bad habit. Our habits are also unconscious so we must identify the "bad" habits as our first step.

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But I get ahead of myself. We are talking about long-term fitness goals. How do we set those?

I would be amiss if I did not mention the SMART goals acronym. The smart acronym stands for:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Timebound

And we will touch on this acronym often during our 10-step process today. When discussing goals today be sure to refer to them and how they are smart goals examples.

Let's get to it!

#1. Awareness.

Awareness is key. If you go around with blinders on you will never experience what is truly meant to be a happy place for you. In other words, you will never be able to "feel your goals."

Almost weekly I have at least one person ask, "Kathie I want to lose weight, what do I need to do?" or "Kathie my doctor told me I need to start exercising what do I need to do?"

The problem here is they are asking the wrong question. It's not "what do I need to do?" Because I can tell them all day long "WHAT" needs to be done. And actually, for years I would tell them the what and turn around to have them ask me the same question again a few months, weeks, or even days later. Yes, the struggle is real.

It's not what you need to do, but who you need to become. Awareness of this fact is super important!!

Step #2 - Changes in your identity.

In his book, Atomic Habits James Clear tells us that there are 3 layers of change. One of the most powerful changes you can make in your life is a change in identity. But what does that mean?

Change is hard. You've probably noticed that. You are reading this because you want to learn how to set clear long-term fitness goals.

Changing your identity is the best way to start setting your outcome goals.

The key to creating goals that last is focusing on creating a new identity first. Your current behaviors are simply a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the type of person you believe that you are (either consciously or subconsciously).

To change your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself. You need to build identity-based habits.

Imagine how we typically set goals. We might start by saying “I want to lose weight by next month ” or “I want to get physical activity in daily.”

And if you're lucky, someone might say, “That's a great goal, but you should be more specific.” This is the S in the smart goal acronym.

So then you say, “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to start an exercise routine.” That is a little bit more specific but these goals are centered around outcomes, not identity.

We want to be specific about what our identity is going to look like. How does one do that? I am so glad you asked because that leads us to step #3.

#3. Recipe for sustained success.

When baking a cake, cookies, or even setting goals we all need a recipe. This recipe has to do with changes in your beliefs. When setting long-term fitness goals we need to become aware of our beliefs around attainable goals, leaving our comfort zone, and even our body weight. I mean is it really your weight that needs to change? You'd be surprised how many times this is not actually what needs to change.

James Clear tells us that changing your beliefs isn’t nearly as hard as you might think. There are two steps.

1. Decide the type of person you want to be.

2. Prove it to yourself with small wins. 🎉🎉

This is the recipe for success in setting your goals. This is actually the secret recipe for success in general.

This is the next step in our goal-setting process. I want you to picture future events in your mind.

  • How would the person you want to become handle themselves?

  • Picture your future self in detail.

  • What do you look like?

  • What do you feel like?

  • What is your body language like?

  • How do you talk?

  • Pro-tip: What choices and decisions do you make?

What is this person's fitness routine like? Does this person eat junk food? If so how much? What lifestyle change does this person have? How much weight does this person need to lose?

When you practice this on a regular basis it actually becomes true for you. This is an example of the law of attraction. Yes, it really is a law!!

🎉🎉Small wins are a great way to identify immediate goals and celebrate them!! To celebrate those small wins I recommend having a small wins journal. Here you can keep track of your short-term goals, and document, and celebrate those small wins on a regular basis. 🎉🎉

I have a "Dream Big" page in my Notion journal. On this page, I insert images of what want, who I want to become, and even include my short-term and long-term goals. This way I can look at my smaller goals and find the wins today instead of waiting until I reach those long-term goals.

Actually, I constantly have to update this journal. Why? Because what I wanted has come to be. I have to dream bigger. Hence, this is why I call it a "Dream Big" page. Pun intended.🤣

I told you it is a law!!

#4, Changes in processes.

This level of change is concerned with changing your habits and systems.

  • Implementing a new workout routine

  • Maintaining your meal plan so you achieve your weight loss goals

  • Or tracking your food journal on myfitnesspal on a consistent basis.

Most of the habits you build are associated with this level. By the way, they all represent a smart fitness goal example.

While dreaming big in my Dream Big Journal, I also found that I needed to change my "processes" to become the person I wanted to be. I needed new routines, workflows, and practices. The thing is you only need to be 1% today than yesterday. A Slight Edge principle that really works.

The great thing about this step is it helps us identify the M in smart goals. That M stands for measurable or measurable goal. You can measure the efficiency of your processes as you begin to identify what is working for you and what is not working for you. You can also identify when it is time to change these processes as well.

#5 Outcomes

This level is concerned with changing your results: losing weight, getting stronger, or just upping your fitness level.

Most of the goals you set are associated with this level of change. A lot of us stay stuck in this place for a long time. Why? Because we know what we want. But we have a hard time finding out how to get there!

We become really good at knowing what outcome we want. I mean, you found this article right? And I am proud of you - you’ve read this far!

Do you want to set long-term goals that really help you feel those goals in a great way? You know like Mr. Parsons felt the trees. The key difference is applying all 10 steps so you can find success! We have 4 more steps to go!

#6 Create friction

It has been said it is easier to avoid temptation than to resist it. For those long-term fitness goals, we need to be ready when temptation comes to play. And trust me it will!

For me, it has always been my sleep. I am so good at sleeping I could teach you how to do it in my sleep. Literally! But I exercise in the morning. Honestly, I would much rather look at the back of my eyelids than get up at 5:30 am and hit the gym. But I do it!

So what do I do? I am ready with some friction for my sleep. Friction for me looks like this:

  • I put my alarm in a place where I have to get out of bed to reach it.

  • I repeat affirmations to myself: "The hardest part is getting out of bed." "It's going to be a great day." "My clothes are ready, let's go." "Going back to sleep is for excuses!"

  • BTW, most fitness experts agree that exercising in the morning is the best time of day to exercise. Studies have proven that morning exercise helps you achieve those fitness goals, actually improves productivity in your entire day, and helps you avoid missing that workout because, well, it's already complete!

Ask yourself how can I incorporate friction so I actually do what I've set out to do on my fitness journey and have success in the long run that takes me to the next level?

#7. Set Clear Goals

You may be saying, "Duh Kathie, that's why I am here, isn't this article all about setting clear goals?"

Yes, it is but do you know WHY setting CLEAR goals is important? You know, the kind of goals you can feel like Mr. Parsons feels those trees.

When we set fitness goals that are clear it helps trigger new behaviors, helps guide your focus, and helps you sustain that momentum in life. Setting clear goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. You actually have an action plan that will take you a long way!!

In the end, you can't manage what you don't measure and you can't improve upon something that you don't properly manage. This is key to feeling those goals!!

#8 Find harmony between challenge and skill

Harmony is the key word here! Mr. Parsons misplaced his keys to the van one time at a pit stop. He started mumbling, "Dirty word, dirty word, dirty word." He was mumbling because guess where the keys were? In his mouth!!

Everyone laughed including Mr. Parsons. (He did this more than once I might add.)

We all have challenges. And we put so much pressure on ourselves to find those dang keys. But sometimes it is just best to laugh, and even remember that our goal could even be in between our teeth!!

You are going to meet challenges along the way. How will you find harmony?

#9. Expect failure.

It's not IF you are going to fail but WHEN. Failure is a part of life. Expect it. Plan for it. You will make mistakes. You are human.

Failures are part of the journey to success. Everyone faces setbacks - it's how you look at them that makes all the difference in the world.

Plan for failure. When you plan for failure you know that's just part of the journey on the way to the destination. And you are just one step closer to where you want to be.

And guess what? The destination is always changing. How will you face that fact when you get there?

Failing in life helps to build resilience. The more we fail, the more resilient we become. In order to achieve great success, we must know resilience.

#10 Embody the goal

When you actually embody the new identity of the fitness goal you are to achieve you get in the zone also known as flow.

Much like a professional athlete who embodies the sport he or she is playing.

You actually become autotelic. What does that mean? An autotelic personality means:

  1. Your goals are intrinsic.

  2. Your work is immersive.

  3. Your attention is unwavering.

  4. And your work is inherently enjoyable.

And let me add, you fall in love with the journey and the destination because they are one! Yup, that's right, spoiler alert, the journey and the destination are one.

When you embody this journey you actually feel the goals like Mr. Parsons feels the trees.

How are you going to "feel" your goals? I can't wait to see what you do!

Thank you for spending part of your day with me. Now go be a blessing! Peace out and Namaste! -Kathie