
Kathie’s Blog

Fitness Kathie Owen Fitness Kathie Owen

TW Davis YMCA is Closed Permanently

Closed to fitness that is! They fired all staff VIA EMAIL (included in post) and said they were going to become an Appreciative Community Building Process in April of 2021. 7 months later they are still doing nothing at the site. It is EMPTY on most days!

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Habits Kathie Owen Habits Kathie Owen

10 Tips to Beat Insomnia

We all fall victim to insomnia from time to time. Wouldn't you like a way around that? Here are 10 tips to help you have a more high-quality deep sleep in no time!

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Fitness Kathie Owen Fitness Kathie Owen

The Power of a Smile

A smile sends signals to your brain that everything is A-OK. Science proves this! And today I tell you about a client who hired me to learn how to do push-ups so she could join the military and how I taught her the power of a smile. There truly is power in a smile!

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Live coaching call with Kathie written in a blog post. How I faced challenges and what processes brought light in my darkness. I unscrewed my mind! Reality Transurfing, Neville Goddard, Joseph Rodrigues, and more!

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Outwitting the Devil and Food

In the book Outwitting the Devil we learn how the devil uses food to cause us to drift. Stop the Mind Screw teaches the discipline needed to avoid junk foods and this blog post helps to explain this.

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Drifting Outwitting the Devil

Have you ever been in a place where those close to you do not support your dream? That's where I am right now. But I know what I want, I picture it from the end, and this keeps me from giving into fear. And what I teach today!

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Mindset Kathie Owen Mindset Kathie Owen

Why Responsibility is a Good Thing

Change your perspective on responsibility and you will not only get your power back, where it belongs, but you will transform your life. Kathie discusses the power of responsibility. It is as simple as a choice!

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